Bilingual·Foreign Business 丨让树成为城市的“医生”
2018-01-20 13:43:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business 丨让树成为城市的“医生”




Tree 'doctor' makes the city healthier


Louisville is a transit hub, and the air quality is affected by the exhaust from tens of thousands of planes, trucks and trains passing through the city.


Like many other cities in the world, the severe air pollution in Louisville has had an obvious impact on people people’s health.


Here, almost everybody has a story to tell concerning the pollution: A child who has respiratory problems, elders who died of heart disease, a cough that miraculously clears up when they leave town but comes creeping back after they return.


Due to differences in greening, residents here also face varying degrees of health problems.


According to the survey, those living in forested areas have an average life expectancy of 13 years longer than those living in the southern and western parts of the city who have fewer opportunities to get in touch with nature.


While income gap, diet, smoking prevalence and many other relevant factors may affect average life expectancy, it is clear that an increase in urban green space can better improve this situation.


In fact, the city should regard trees as public health infrastructure, which can not only raise urban managers’ attention to urban greening, but also open up new sources of funding for urban greening.


The Nature Conservancy (TNC), together with mass health scholars, environmentalists and community organizers, launched “The Green Heart Project” in Louisville in the fall of 2017.


In this project, the tree will become the city's 'doctor' to boost the immune system, improve the city's air quality and make the city healthier.


Nature has a powerful, unimaginable healing power; a large body of research confirms that nature has a positive impact on people's health and wellbeing, especially in health.


We were born in nature, eager to link with nature. How can nature help us make the city healthier?


Research shows that one tree can reduce the surrounding pollution levels by one third, and trees can also serve as physical barriers to pollution.


Louisville, Kentucky's largest city, has explored a way to healthy city with their effort in the 'Green Heart Project'.


The 'Green Heart Project” launched by TNC hope to establish a model, in which they come up with a city plan determining where to plant trees, how to plant trees and what kinds of trees are to be planted. Through this measure, a transformation relationship between urban afforestation and public health will be built to show the enormous 'medical benefits' that tree planting can bring.


According to public health scholars, this project will prove that if we can plant trees in most profitable areas, the reduction in medical expenses, sick leave and productivity will cover most of the cost of urban greening.


The participation of many partners made it possible to track the causal link between nature and health. For example, TNC will provide ecological data to determine where to plant the trees and what type of trees are most profitable; and Hyphae Design Labs will offer support in urban green infrastructure design.

据TNC在路易斯维尔的城市保护负责人Chris Chandler介绍,到2018年的秋天,TNC和其他项目合作伙伴将在树木匮乏的南路易斯维尔种植8000棵树,其中很多树木是被移植的已经成熟的树木。

According to Chris Chandler, head of urban conservation of TNC in Louisville, TNC and other project partners will plant 8,000 trees in tree-lined southern Louisville by the fall of 2018, many of which will be transplanted mature trees .


The project will recruit 700 neighborhood residents to participate in several rounds of medical tests, tracking the residual evidence of air pollution in their blood and urine.

Chris Chandler表示,树木可以通过多种方式来改善空气质量。

Chris Chandler says, trees address air quality in several ways.


Trees take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen when they photosynthesize, just as you learned in grade school science. The fine hairs on trees leaves can actually trap fine particulate matter pollution. And fine particle pollution is a particular concern for public health, as the particles are so small that they can actually pass into the bloodstream, causing heart disease and strokes.


He emphasized that Louisville is a perfect urban laboratory, large enough to show the challenges facing the city, and small enough for affiliates like the Green Hearts to get together and do something.


Data from the United Nations show that about 4 million people die from air pollution each year, and it also exacerbates heart disease, asthma and stroke of millions of patients.


How to solve this world problem economically and effectively? Cities all over the world are seeking answers.


Perhaps, the “Green Heart Project” will provide us with a viable and cost-effective answer.


We look forward to the success of Tree Doctor in Louisville.


编辑 / 王琳

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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