Bilingual·Foreign Business|中国:从世界工厂到创新强国
2018-01-13 14:03:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|中国:从世界工厂到创新强国




Lively discussions on China and the global macro environment


Our speakers shared their understanding of China's deleveraging. One speaker holds a relatively cautious view, as he believes many investors in China have not taken into consideration risks associated with implicit guarantees backed by the Government.


However, another speaker thinks 2017 is an inflection point for asset quality at China's commercial banks.


Innovation is a key focus of the conference


One keynote speaker believes artificial intelligence (AI) is now focusing on machine learning through trial and error, unlike any previous technological innovations, which came into the world by first passing through the human brain.


This speaker thinks AI is good enough for some commercial applications at the moment, even though some challenges remain, and stresses that China is taking the leading position in this area.


Our panellists, who are professional scientists and investors, shared what they have seen in China's booming innovation:


Research infrastructure; platforms; and even advanced laboratories set up across the country over the past 20 years, with strong Government support in terms of money and other resources.


Some leading Chinese tech companies have invested a large proportion of revenue in R&D, growing into technology-based innovators and gaining global market share from foreign competitors.


Insights from sector panels


One of our speakers told the consumer panel that the consumption upgrade is likely to continue on increasing consumer confidence, especially in rural areas.


The speaker stated product innovation is the key to a consumption upgrade, allowing resistance to decreases in total demand for consumer goods.


One speaker argued at the real estate panel that development of the leasing property market may have a great impact on housing supply in tier 1 cities, while its influence on national residential investment may be lower.


New technology is reshaping the industry


The innovation track received a lot of attention from investors. Speakers shared their views and forecasts of how new technology will reshape Chinese industry and everyday life.


5G, AI and facial recognition technology could be revolutionary for Internet of Things and smart cities.


China's automation upgrade is spurring growth in the robotics industry, which will become the world's largest in volume and growth rate.


Internet finance must overcome the challenge of financial supervision to strengthen. Overall, speakers and investors remain optimistic about China's innovation in terms of speed and application.


Concerns about China's debt problem are easing


China's debt problem has been a major long-term concern among investors. While a poll taken at the conference showed worries remain.


Most respondents believe Chinese regulators have taken action to prevent leverage from rising.


One speaker thought a systemic debt crisis is unlikely to happen in China due to high domestic savings, capital control and financing from banks.


Investor sentiment about the Chinese economy has become more positive, underscored by a sharp increase in the number of attendees in the energy forum, which had been less popular in previous years and is a sector closely related to the real economy.


Global fund flow to China/EM could revive

由于2017年MSCI China上涨超过50%,18年A股将加入MSCI指数,投资人对中国股票和债券的兴趣逐步上升。

Due to the strong performance of MSCI China, which rallied +50% in 2017, along with MSCI inclusion of A-shares in 2018, interest in Chinese stocks and bonds could continue rising.


Several investors shared their expectations in a forum: in previous years, international funds flew out of the China market because of top-down concerns such as rising leverage.


This outflow caused investors to miss some great opportunities among fast-growing companies driven by technological/business model innovation and market consolidation, which generated decent returns.


Along with rising transparency and regulation in China's financial market, funds could continue flowing back to China (and Asia) in 2018, as they present the advantage of higher growth potential.


Large-cap blue chips drew most investor interest


In light of the strong performances of large-cap blue chips last year, investors at the Greater China Conference (GCC) were keen to meet representatives of corporates with leading positions in their industries.


The 10 most popular companies for clients' one-on-one meetings consisted of three internet companies, three consumer companies, two auto names, an industrial, and a TMT company.


Investor interest was evenly distributed among A-/H-shares and ADRs.


Of the 20 most popular companies 8 are A-shares, 8 H-shares, 3 are ADRs and one is unlisted (NIO).


Fintech, Healthcare and Internet tours were most in demand


Post-conference tours traditionally set off on the third day of the GCC.


This year UBS is holding 11 tours covering various upstream and downstream sectors, during which investors will meet around 100 listed and unlisted companies.


The Fintech, Healthcare and Internet tours were most in demand from investors, followed by consumer, auto, property and high-end manufacturing.


Mixed outlook from developers


Property developers in general guided for a mixed outlook for the next year.


Some expect strong sales growth to continue despite the policy tightening, helped by the abundant saleable resources.


Others forecast a slowdown in sales growth. Some developers with strong sales guidance indicated they would maintain high growth in, or even accelerate, land acquisition in 2018, potentially to compete for more market share.


In our Year Ahead research, we estimate that global economic growth should continue at the high rate of 3.8% witnessed in 2017.said UBS Group CEO Sergio P. Ermotti


UBS sees China's GDP growth slowing modestly from 6.8% in 2017 to 6.4% in 2018 and 6.3% in 2019.Even so, China is still outpacing the rest of the world.


It's clear that no other large economy in the world will post a comparable rate of economic growth.


And China is now focusing on quality of growth, which means future growth prospects will be even more sustainable.


I think current Chinese equity markets valuations look sustainable given expected stable global growth, moderately rising global yields, China's efforts to contain systemic risks, strong southbound flows, and last but not least, the MSCI A-share inclusion.


Looking at the Chinese bond market, this has grown rapidly in recent years and is currently the world's third largest at USD 9 trillion.


Over the next 5 years I believe it will double in size and become the second largest, behind the US.


To sum it up – it's clear to me that China will continue the strong upward trajectory we have seen over the last 10 to 20 years.


And while the road ahead to growth may be a bit bumpier, from a UBS perspective, we see a sweet spot of four trends converging to create momentum.


First, supportive government policy.As I said a couple of years ago, having a stable and consistent government has been key for the success of the country. You only have to look at the 2025 roadmap to see that.


To realize the potential that is obviously here, the path has been set for the next phase of ‘high-quality development’.


Secondly, a supportive market ecosystem. With a growing and increasingly wealthy domestic consumer base to sell to and learn from.


Thirdly, education. I think one thing not well appreciated about China’s demographics is that while the population is ageing, the new workforce is far better educated, which will provide what we might term an ‘engineer dividend’ for the next decade.


China creates nearly 3 million science and engineering graduates a year, five times more than the US.


Finally, China’s national savings have served her well over the last few years.


As financial markets develop, more of this capital is finding its way into venture capital and other types of early funding.


We estimate around $100 billion of venture capital over the last two years alone.


There will be continued measured reform in the financial sector. We particularly welcome the opportunity for increased participation by foreign firms.


Beyond the financial sector, we will also see continued reform of the State-Owned Enterprises and a focus on world-class, globally competitive firms.


The Belt and Road Initiative will continue to build connectivity and relations with the rest of the world. It will pay dividends in both trade and relationships.


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编辑 / 王玥

来源 / 经济日报记者陈颐、朱琳

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