Bilingual·Foreign Business|供应链增长对谁可能是坏消息?
2018-01-12 18:57:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|供应链增长对谁可能是坏消息?



Growth in supply chain sector could mean bad news for candidates

收购|博世计划收购HERE地图 5%股份

Bosch to acquire stake in map provider HERE


SUEZ NWS Joins Hands with SE Environment


New Top Management appointed at Airbus China



Growth in supply chain sector could mean bad news for candidates


As China’s economy continues its relative slowdown, companies in all areas of the industry are facing pressure to discover ways of maintaining profit margins and are turning to supply chain to reduce costs.


This is leading to expansion in various aspects of the industry, however this does not necessarily spell good news for candidates looking to improve their positions, according to Simon Lance, Managing Director of Hays Greater China.


The main trend in China’s supply chain is “increasing efficiency”, though domestic and multi-national companies are pursuing this aim via differing strategies.


While local companies are focusing on creating and developing a fully-fledged function, foreign businesses are setting their hopes on economies of scale and delocalisation.


“Domestic companies are becoming increasingly interested in the supply chain function and are trying to bring structure and efficiency by building a well-organised supply chain function,” explains Simon.


“To this end they are imitating the tactic that was so successfully implemented by the IT and finance industries in the past by hiring candidates from foreign companies and utilising their expertise.”


With many of the foreign based companies already having supply chain functions in place, they are instead looking to the creation of shared service centres as well as delocalisation towards cheaper locations.


By relocating sourcing and procurement functions to China, and with the development of shared service centres covering the entire region, multi-national companies can reduce not only employment costs.


Through sourcing, they are also hoping to find suppliers that can provide the same quality of raw materials at a much lower price.


With regards to employment expenditure, both domestic and MNCs are looking to relocate from the main cities to tier two and three cities, something that is proving challenging for candidates within the industry who may be expected to move.


Mobility is becoming increasingly important for candidates at the moment.


Companies are looking for people with strong experience in sourcing based in the lower tiered cities. Candidates must be energetic, results driven and good negotiators.


With English-speaking also an advantage for candidates looking to work for MNCs.


Companies are finding it difficult to find the perfect fits for roles, but rather than showing flexibility themselves, they are expecting it instead of candidates.


Most importantly, candidates must be amenable, not only in their working practices but also in their willingness to relocate.


Companies are under such pressure with financial results that high salary increases are not viable, and that means locations outside of the more expensive cities. Companies are negotiating harder than ever before.


And as the market is otherwise comparatively slow, it is the companies that have the power.


This means that for all but a very few senior candidates at local companies, on the whole candidates are looking at low levels of salary increase and pressure to relocate to a lower tiered city. It could be a case of either taking that option or risk losing their job.

博世计划收购HERE地图 5%股份

Bosch to acquire stake in map provider HERE

博世日前宣布正在收购全球数字地图与定位服务供应商HERE 5%的股份。双方均未公布此次的收购价格。

Bosch is acquiring 5 percent in HERE Technologies, a global provider of digital mapping and location services. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.


The acquisition gives a boost to Bosch’s services business. It also helps HERE take a further step toward its goal of becoming a global provider of data-based real-time location services to customers both inside and outside the automotive industry.


The acquisition is still subject to approval by the antitrust authorities. It is expected to be concluded by the end of the first quarter of 2018.


Open platforms for all customers will be the focal point of the collaboration between Bosch and HERE, both in non-automotive as well as automotive domains, and particularly where increasingly connected and automated mobility is concerned.


High-definition maps are a requirement for self-driving cars. These must be kept up-to-date with data from the vehicle’s sensors and supplemented with real-time information on traffic conditions, congestion, construction sites, and accidents.


The road signature provided by Bosch gives an idea of how this might be done. It uses information from the Bosch radar and video sensors in the vehicle to enrich and update high-definition maps.


Consequently, Bosch and HERE are exploring opportunities to utilize road signature in the maintenance of HERE HD Live Map, HERE’s map for automated vehicles.


At the same time, Bosch will be continuing its work on the road signature with partners such as TomTom, AutoNavi, Baidu, NavInfo, and Increment P.


SUEZ NWS Joins Hands with SE Environment


SUEZ NWS Limited (“SUEZ NWS”) and SE Environment signed a shareholder agreement in order to establish the joint venture SE SUEZ Environmental Technology, which will be in charge of managing the “Shangyang Project” for the treatment and recovery of sludge in the city of Shenzhen for a contract duration of 30 years.


The “Shangyang Project” is the largest sludge and recovery treatement center in the city of Shenzhen. With a capacity of up to 800 tons of sludge per day, it will optimise the treatment of sludge from more than 10 municipal wastewater treatment plants in the Longgang district and the downtown of Shenzhen, and will thus contribute to the protection of the city's environment.


Constructed by SUEZ NWS, the Shenzhen Shangyang Sludge Treatment Plant is the first sludge-to-energy recovery center in Shenzhen and will use the Thermylis technology for the first time in China.


Successfully deployed in more than 40 plants built by SUEZ in Europe and North America.Thermylis significantly reduces energy consumption in order to minimise sludge volumes in an efficient, economical and environmentally-friendly manner.


“This new partnership will further strengthen our ties with local actors, to continue to assist Shenzhen Government to achive their ambitious environmental goals.” said Ms. Marie-Ange Debon, CEO of the International Division of SUEZ.


SUEZ NWS is a pioneer and a leader in China's sludge treatment industry. Since the Group introduced SUEZ’s patented technology - INNODRY 2E in 2008, four sludge drying plants have been successively built in Chongqing, Suzhou and Yangzhou, ensuring the safe treatment and of sludge from these three cities.


New Top Management appointed at Airbus China


As announced by Airbus,Eric Chen, previously President of Airbus Commercial Aircraft China, succeeds Laurence Barron as Chairman of Airbus China.


Simultaneously, George Xu has been appointed CEO of Airbus China.


In his role as country head of Airbus China, Xu is responsible for all Airbus Commercial Aircraft activities and for leading the company’s Helicopters and Defence and Space businesses in China.


George Xu started his career in the Tianjin Economic and Technology Development Area Administrative Committee in 1995 and was promoted to Deputy Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Tianjin Free Trade Zone in 2003, and then Director of the Bureau in 2005.


In 2005, George Xu started to work on Airbus A320 Final Assembly Line programme in China jointly initiated by Airbus and its Chinese partners.


In 2008, he was appointed Deputy General Manager of the Airbus A320 Family Final Assembly Line in Tianjin while remaining Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Tianjin Free Trade Zone Administrative Committee.


George Xu was Chairman of the Board of Airbus A320 Family Final Assembly Line and, in parallel, Vice President of the Tianjin Free Trade Zone Administrative Committee in 2011 till 2014. That same year, George became Party Secretary of the Tianjin Youth League.


George Xu got a Bachelor’s degree in Information Management Systems from Tianjin University and a Master in Business Administration from Roosevelt University of Chicago. He also received a PhD in Economics from Nankai University.


“I feel honoured to re-join Airbus China as its CEO. China has the largest Airbus fleet in the world and will continue as one of the fastest growing aviation markets in the next decades.


My predecessors and the Airbus China team have achieved great successes in China. I commit to keeping the momentum going and to continue working closely with our teams to achieve new successes. I am confident China will continue to play a key role in Airbus global strategy,” said George Xu.


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编辑 / 刘辛未

来源 / 经济日报记者陈颐、朱琳

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