Bilingual·Foreign Business|指甲大小的可穿戴设备能做什么?
2018-01-10 18:35:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|指甲大小的可穿戴设备能做什么?


合作 | 空中客车进一步加强和深化与中国航空工业合作

Airbus and its Chinese partners strengthen cooperation

航空 | 波音2017年创造行业交付纪录

Boeing Sets Airplane Delivery Record

防晒 | 欧莱雅发布首款无电池可穿戴电子紫外线检测仪

L’Oréal unveils the first battery-free wearable electronic UV sensor



Airbus and its Chinese partners strengthen cooperation


Airbus has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC) on the further development of industrial cooperation in Tianjin. The agreement was signed by He Lifeng, Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of China and Fabrice Brégier, Airbus COO and President of Commercial Aircraft in Beijing yesterday.


Both sides agree to further enhance their industrial cooperation in Tianjin, strengthening the cooperation with regard to technical innovation, engineering capabilities and supply chain expansion.


On the same day, Airbus and its Chinese partners have also signed a framework agreement on ramping-up its A320 production rate at its Final Assembly Line in Tianjin to six aircraft per month.


This industrial ramp-up targets five aircraft by early 2019 and six per month by early 2020.


Since its inauguration in 2008, the Final Assembly Line in Tianjin has assembled a total of 354 A320 Family aircraft (by 31st December, 2017).


Deliveries to Chinese customers and to operators throughout the Asia-Pacific region have included the first A320neo in the second half of 2017.


“The industrial cooperation between Airbus and China and its continued success are a true role-model of a winning partnership between China and Europe.


Together with our Chinese partners, we are proud to lift our cooperation to new heights”, says Fabrice Brégier, Airbus COO and President of Commercial Aircraft.


Airbus’ industrial footprint in China dates back to 1985, when the first product sub-contracting agreement was signed with Xi’an Aircraft Company.


The total value of industrial cooperation between Airbus and Chinese aviation industry in 2017 reaches nearly 600 million US dollars.


Boeing Sets Airplane Delivery Record


Boeing delivered more commercial airplanes than any manufacturer for the sixth consecutive year and set an industry record with 763 deliveries in 2017.


At the same time, the company grew its backlog with 912 net orders, reflecting healthy demand for its single-aisle and twin-aisle airplanes.

波音在737项目上达到新的高度,在年中实现每月47架的产能,并开始交付新的737 MAX。737项目全年共创纪录地交付529架飞机,其中包括74架MAX。

Boeing reached a new high on the 737 program as it raised production to 47 airplanes a month during the year and began delivering the new 737 MAX, contributing to a record 529 deliveries, including 74 of the MAX variety.


On the 787 Dreamliner program, Boeing continued building at the highest production rate for a twin-aisle jet, leading to 136 deliveries for the year.


“The record-setting performance is a testament to our employees and supplier partners who continue to innovate new ways to design, build and deliver the most fuel-efficient airplanes to customers around the world,” said Boeing Commercial Airplanes President & CEO Kevin McAllister.


On the orders front, 71 customers placed the 912 net orders, valued at $134.8 billion at list prices.


The total extends Boeing’s backlog to a record 5,864 airplanes – at year end – which is equal to about seven years of production.

迈卡利斯特指出:“强有力的销售活动显示了市场对737 MAX家族的持续强劲需求,包括我们在去年启动的超高效MAX 10机型。

“The strong sales activity reflects continuing strong demand for the 737 MAX family, including the ultra-efficient MAX 10 variant that we launched last year, and the market’s increasing preference for Boeing’s family of twin-aisle jets,” said McAllister.


Our planned production increases over the coming years are designed to satisfy this robust demand.”


L’Oréal unveils the first battery-free wearable electronic UV sensor

全球美妆行业领导者欧莱雅在 2018 年国际消费电子展上发布首款无电池可穿戴电子紫外线检测仪“UV Sense”。

L’Oréal, the global beauty leader the first battery-free wearable electronic UV sensor, at the 2018 Consumer Electronics Show.


L’Oréal has long been dedicated to sun safety through product innovation, funding significant research with the Melanoma Research Alliance, and public education campaigns.

2016 年,欧莱雅旗下领先的皮肤病学护肤品牌理肤泉推出了首款可伸缩式皮肤传感器“My UV Patch”,用于监测紫外线照射量。

In 2016, La Roche-Posay, L’Oréal’s leading dermatological skincare brand, launched the first-ever stretchable skin sensor to monitor UV exposure, My UV Patch.

自该技术首次问世以来,理肤泉已向 37 个国家的消费者免费发放了超过100 万份该产品。

Since the technology’s debut, La Roche-Posay has distributed more than one million patches to consumers in 37 countries free of charge.

消费者研究显示,“My UV Patch“对消费者的安全防晒行为产生了积极影响——34%的消费者更频繁地使用防晒霜,37%的消费者会更经常待在阴凉处。

Consumer studies show that My UV Patch had a positive impact on the sun safety behaviors of consumers – with 34 percent applying sunscreen more often and 37 percent trying to stay in the shade more frequently.

为进一步鼓励消费者改变他们的安全防晒行为,此次新推出的“UV Sense”体积更小、可穿戴时间更长并提供实时数据。

To further encourage consumers to change their sun safety behaviors, the newUV Sense is smaller, and offers longer wear and real-time data.

作为首款可测量个人接受紫外线照射量的无电池可穿戴电子传感器,“UV Sense”最多能存储 3 个月的数据、显示长期的照射趋势并即时更新。

The first battery-free wearable electronic sensor to measure individual UV exposure, UV Sense can store up to three months of data and show trends of exposure over time with instant updates.

新版的可穿戴设备厚度少于 2 毫米,直径 9 毫米,可放置在大拇指指甲上。

The new wearable is less than two millimeters thick, nine millimeters in diameter and designed to be worn on the thumbnail.

这样,传感器将能获得最理想的日光照射,消费者的穿戴时间也将从“My UV Patch”的几天增加至“UV Sense”的数周。

By putting this technology on the thumbnail – which receives optimal sunlight - consumers can increase wear time from several days with My UV Patch to several weeks with UV Sense.


The sensor can be reapplied to the nail with additional adhesives, which come in the packaging.

“UV Sense”配有一个手机应用程序,有 iOS 和安卓两个版本,能通过“近场通讯”(NFC)技术解读和传输来自传感器的数据。

UV Sense has an accompanying mobile app, available on both iOS and Android, which translates and transfers data from the sensor using Near Field Communication (NFC) enabled technology.


The app delivers consumer-friendly information detailing when the wearer should be mindful of UV exposure.


Data is included in a profile within the app that outlines a user’s exposure levels. Sun-safety habits – like spending time in the shade or reapplying sunscreen – are encouraged with facts about sun exposure and additional tips for protection.

“UV Sense”和”MyUV Patch”均源自欧莱雅与领先的可穿戴技术公司 MC10 有限公司协力展开的研究,以及美国西北大学的 John Rogers 教授在灵活、可伸缩电子设备方面的知识产权(IP)和创新成果。

Both UV Sense and My UV Patch draw from research L’Oréal conducted in conjunction with MC10, Inc., a leading wearable technology company, and professor John Rogers at Northwestern University, through his portfolio of intellectual property (IP) and innovation around flexible, stretchable electronics.

“UV Sense”将于 2018 年夏季在美国限量推出,并将在 2019 年全球发布。

UV Sensewill be available on a limited basis in the U.S. for the 2018 summer season with a global launch following in 2019.


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编辑 / 刘辛未

来源 / 经济日报记者陈颐、朱琳

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