Campaign to stop boiling live lobsters 动物保护人士呼吁停止活煮龙虾
2018-02-12 15:51:00 来源:BBC英语教学



50多位高知名度的倡导者及社会名流呼吁加强动物保护,禁止活煮龙虾和螃蟹。他们已在一封给英国环境大臣迈克尔·戈夫(Michael Gove)的联名信上签名,敦促他在新的动物福利法案中把甲壳类动物归为“有知觉的生物”。

Scientists say pain is not a straightforward concept and it can take many years of research to establish whether or not certain animals can feel it. But campaigners argue there is now mounting evidence that lobsters and crabs do suffer when plunged into boiling water.


The British Veterinary Association, along with celebrities such as the wildlife presenter Chris Packham, wants the Environment Secretary Michael Gove to grant the animals extra protection in a forthcoming Animal Welfare Bill.

英国兽医协会(The British Veterinary Association)和野生动物节目主持人克里斯·帕克汉姆(Chris Packham)等名人都希望英国环境大臣迈克尔·戈夫能在即将被审议的动物福利法案中授予动物额外的保护。

There are practical reasons to boil some crustaceans alive – their meat tends to spoil particularly fast, but campaigners say there are more humane killing methods that will have little impact on the food's preparation.


In response, the government said it was committed to the very highest standards of animal welfare.


1. 词汇表

straightforward 简单明了的,易懂的

mounting evidence 越来越多的证据

plunged into 被扔进…中


practical reasons 实际的原因

crustaceans 甲壳类动物

humane 人道的

committed 致力(于)

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1.Do scientists say pain is the same for animals and humans?

2.Which law can offer protection for lobsters and crabs?

3. Why might chefs in a restaurant want to boil a lobster?

4. True or false?Discovering if animals feel pain can take years of research.

3. 答案

1. Do scientists say pain is the same for animals and humans?

No. Scientists say that pain is not a straighforward concept.

2. Which law can offer protection for lobsters and crabs?

The Animal Welfare Bill can grant protection for lobsters and crabs.

3. Why might chefs in a restaurant want to boil a lobster?

The meat on lobsters spoils quickly, so boiling them stops this happening.

4. True or false? Discovering if animals feel pain can take years of research.

True. It can takemany years of research to establish whether or not certain animals canfeel pain.

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