Not a sausage 一丁点也没有
2017-06-14 15:13:00 来源:BBC英语教学

Not a sausage 一丁点也没有

Not a sausage 一丁点也没有



菲菲和 Neil 聊天,她问 Neil 知不知道 Rob 找到了一份新工作,Neil 说他一没听说过这件事,他使用了一个和“香肠 sausage”有关的说法。听节目,学习一个用来强调事物“一点也没有”的英式俚语。


(关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。)

Neil:Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Neil…

Feifei:…and I’m Feifei. So, Neil, did you hear anything?

Neil:What about, Feifei?

Feifei:Rob’s new job. He must have told you something? Rob 找到了一份新工作。难道他没有告诉你吗?

Neil:Nothing. He didn’t even mention it.

Feifei:How strange. Not even a little clue?

Neil:No, not a sausage.

Feifei:“Not a sausage 没有一根香肠”?可是这和 Rob 的工作有什么关系?Well, I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough. In the meantime, let’s explain that wonderful phrase you just used.

Neil:In this Authentic Real English, we’re teaching the very cute but slightly old-fashioned phrase: ‘not a sausage’.

Feifei:We use it to mean ‘nothing at all’. 表达 not a sausage 的意思是“一点也不,什么也没有”,人们有时也用它来表达惊讶的感情,是一个听起来友善而且很幽默的口语说法。

Neil:Yes, it’s informal and friendly. Let’s listen to some examples to get a better sense of how it’s used.


A: Did you find any good deals?

B: Not a sausage.

A: Did the boss say anything about my project?

B: No, sorry, not a sausage.

A: Are there any sandwiches left?

B: I’m afraid not. Not a sausage.

Feifei:That last example might have sounded confusing: ‘No sandwiches left?’

Neil:‘Not a sausage!’ Yes, confusingly, we were asking about another kind of food – and the answer was still ‘not a sausage’.

Feifei:在最后一个例句里,“not a sausage”用来强调某物“一点也没剩”。You know what? All this talk of sausages is making me hungry.

Neil:Indeed. I’m meeting Rob for lunch – fancy going?

Feifei:Great. Hopefully he will finally spill the beans about this mysterious new job.

Neil:Ooh – ‘to spill the beans’ – meaning to reveal your secrets. It’s often used when you share a secret you didn’t mean to share!

Feifei:Another great phrase. 我刚才提到了另一个和食物有关的表达“to spill the beans 吐出豆子”,它的含义是“不小心泄露情报或秘密”。So, what do you fancy for lunch?

Neil:It has to be a full English breakfast. With beans and… sausage!

Feifei:But of course! Bye, everyone!


Not a sausage 一丁点也没有

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