ChinaBond Index Monthly Review Apr. 2018
2018-05-29 20:16:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:ChinaBond Index Monthly Review Apr. 2018

Chinabond Index Overview

In April, Chinabond Index went up. ChinaBond New Composite Total Return Index increased from 176.72 to 178.80 by1.18% and ChinaBond New Composite Net Price Index increased from 96.94 to 97.78 by 0.87% over the month.

ChinaBond Index-Total Value-Total Return Performance

ChinaBond Green Bond Index Overview

ChinaBond China Green Bond Index Monthly Review

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ChinaBond Index Monthly News and Bulletion

New Indices Launched in Apr.

ChinaBond 1-3 Year Policy Bank Bond Index

ChinaBond 1-3 Year Policy Bank Bond Index was launched on Apr. 13. The constituents cover Policy Bank Bonds with maturities between 0.5 years to 3 years (including 0.5 years and 3 years) that are publicly issued and traded in onshore RMB Bond Market..

The base date is Dec. 31, 2011 and the basis point value is 100. This index doesn’t have sub-indices and the index ticker is CBA07401. The constituents are adjusted on the first business day of interbank market each month. As of Mar. 30, 2018, the number of constituents were 84 which account for total market value 3.77 trillion yuan, the average duration of the index was 1.62, the average yield to maturity was 4.25%, the average term to maturity was 1.75 years, and the average dividend yield was 3.89%.

ChinaBond NCD Aggregate Index

ChinaBond NCD Aggregate Index was launched on Apr. 27. The constituents cover NCDs that are publicly issued and traded in onshore RMB Bond Market.

The base date is Dec. 31, 2013 and the basis point value is 100. This index doesn’t have sub-indices and the index ticker is CBA07501. The constituents are adjusted on the each business day of interbank market. As of Mar. 30, 2018, the number of constituents were 12277 which account for total market value 8.53 trillion yuan, the average duration of the index was 0.32, the average yield to maturity was 4.45%, the average term to maturity was 0.33 years.

ChinaBond Indices are available on or through ChinaBond Integrated Business Platform and Data Unloading Channel for inquiry and unloading. For concrete usage, refer to (ChinaBond Integrated Operation Platform) or (data download channel). In addition, clients may also look up and download ChinaBond Indices data through over 10 information vendors authorized by ChinaBond Pricing Center Co., Ltd.

Application of ChinaBond Indices

As of the end of April 2018, 13 bond funds take ChinaBond Indices as their benchmarks for performance comparison. Besides, one ETN product tracked ChinaBond Index, one wealth management products tracked ChinaBond Index. The details are shown below:

To use ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks for indexing investment or to develop derivatives or derivative indices, need to be authorized by ChinaBond Pricing Center Co., Ltd.

By the end of 2017, 2996 funds used bond indices as their benchmarks and 1543 funds take ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks, which account for 51.50% of all funds.The quantity of bond funds which used ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks were 759, which account for 75.98% of all 999 bond funds.

The total AUM of funds using bond indices as their benchmarks was about 3.17 trillion RMB and 56.88% of these funds used ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks, which account for 1.8 trillion RMB in AUM. The total AUM of bond funds using bond indices as their benchmarks was 1.32 trillion RMB and 77.04% used ChinaBond Indices as benchmarks, which account for 1.02 trillion RMB in AUM.

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