Bilingual·Foreign Business|摩根大通校园招聘吸引内地人才
2018-04-18 18:40:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|摩根大通校园招聘吸引内地人才


预测 | 全球民用直升机交付量将达4000至4200架

4,000 TO 4,200 New Civil Helicopter Deliveries

招聘 | 摩根大通校园招聘吸引本土人才

J.P. Morgan Attracts More Talent from China’s Universities

收购 | 安联与基汇资本收购上海凌空SOHO项目

Allianz participates in Gaw Capital acquisition of Shanghai’s Sky SOHO

人事 | 科思创宣布管理层人事调整

Covestro brings forward management change



4,000 TO 4,200 New Civil Helicopter Deliveries


With a better long-term global economic outlook this year, customers are holding firm in their intentions to invest in new helicopter purchases over the next five years.


In its 20th annual “Turbine-Powered Civil Helicopter Purchase Outlook,” Honeywell forecasts 4,000 to 4,200 new civilian-use helicopters will be delivered from 2018 to 2022, aligning with the five-year forecast from 2017.


The 2018 outlook presents a snapshot of the helicopter business at a given point in time and reflects the current business and political environment.


This year’s data comes from a survey of more than 1,000 chief pilots and flight department managers of companies operating 3,489 turbine and 334 piston helicopters worldwide.


Asia Pacific: Overall buying plans were up 1 percentage point when compared with 2017. More than 18 percent of respondents said they would either replace or expand their fleet with a new helicopter over the next five years.


Despite limited inputs, new helicopter purchase plans were up by 9 percentage points in China, increasing to more than 21 percent compared with last year’s results.


J.P. Morgan Attracts More Talent from China’s Universities


J.P. Morgan is intensifying its recruitment efforts to attract more talent from China’s universities with the launch of its Careers Pop-up campaign on mainland China.

摩根大通亚太区平均每年吸引约30,000 名学生申请公司的应届毕业生及实习生岗位,最终聘用约1,000名全职员工及实习生。

The firm attracts, on average, around 30,000 applications for its graduate and internship positions in Asia Pacific, employing about 1,000 students as full-time analysts and interns each year.


J.P. Morgan is also looking to attract more students from beyond finance and business backgrounds and this year’s campus campaign is named All Minds Wanted, as the firm encourages students from all disciplines to join the bank.


In China, 28% of campus recruits in 2017 were from majors including mathematics, human resources, public affairs, energy management, English literature, psychology, etc.


In 2018, the targeted number of students to be recruited by J.P. Morgan for roles located in mainland China is up 63% since 2014, when J.P. Morgan first launched mainland China-based analyst programs for campus recruits.


“As China’s financial sector continues to liberalize and develop, there are an increasing number of opportunities for students to join us from all backgrounds.” said David Li, Chairman and CEO of J.P. Morgan China.


Allianz participates in Gaw Capital acquisition of Shanghai’s Sky SOHO


Allianz joined Gaw Capital to acquire two towers out of the four office blocks in Sky SOHO, located in Shanghai’s Hongqiao District. Allianz will hold approximately 23% of the equity.

安联不动产亚太区行政总裁Rushabh Desai表示,“上海作为世界领先城市,一直是我们投资商业房地产的主要目的地之一。此次交易进一步实践我们坚持与顶级资产经理合作投资一流的商业物业的策略。

“Shanghai, a leading global city, continues to be one of our key investment destinations for commercial real estate. This transaction is the continuation of our strategy to invest in top quality assets with best-in-class operators," stated Rushabh Desai, CEO of Allianz Real Estate Asia-Pacific.

凌空SOHO可供出租总面积达128,175 平方米,包括103,014 平方米的办公空间和25,161 平方米的零售空间。

Sky SOHO's offers a total leasable area (GLA) of 128,175 sqm, comprising 103,014 sqm office and 25,161 sqm retail space.


The asset was completed in 2014 by SOHO China and has been awarded LEED Gold certification.


“Sky SOHO will benefit from the continued demand for prime office and retail space, boosted by policy support from the government and superior links to this vast transportation network across the Yangtze River delta region as Shanghai continues to prosper.”said Christina Gaw, Managing Principal and Head of Capital Markets at Gaw Capital Partners.


Covestro brings forward management change


The Supervisory Board of Covestro has agreed on an amicable retirement of Patrick Thomas’ tenure as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) effective May 31, 2018.


The Supervisory Board appointed Markus Steilemann as his successor as CEO of Covestro thus ensuring continuity and a smooth transition.


Markus Steilemann, currently Chief Commercial Officer (CCO), will succeed Patrick Thomas, as announced already in May 2017.


With the retirement of Patrick Thomas and Markus Steilemann becoming CEO of Covestro, the company’s Board of Management will consist of three members.


Klaus Schäfer, whose contract has been renewed in January 2018 until the end of 2022, will continue to act as Chief Technology Officer (CTO).


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编辑 / 李静

来源 / 经济日报记者陈颐、朱琳

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