Bilingual·Foreign Business|机器人是你的助手还是对手?
2018-04-09 19:20:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|机器人是你的助手还是对手?



RPA will present more opportunities for staff


First Minister promotes Scotland to China

影院丨IMAX 与金逸在中国签署30家影院协议

IMAX Signs 30-Theatres Agreement With JinYi In China


Tapestry appoints a new CEO



RPA will present more opportunities for staff


Businesses are expected to increase their automation efforts in 2018, however, to ensure success organisations will need to address any potential impact staff to alleviate any concerns.


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can help CIOs address the needs of their workforce and digitalisation projects by streamlining processes and removing some of the more mundane tasks currently carried out by humans.


RPA enables employees to configure a ‘robot’ to use any existing applications, such as helping staff to process a transaction, communicate with other systems or manipulate data.


The technology has the potential to allow higher skilled employees to focus their valuable talent on other areas as the more routine tasks are automated, freeing up their time to focus on other tasks that still require the human touch.


This can be invaluable in skill short areas, as it ensures the skills of employees are put to better use. Another added benefit is the potential to save a business time and money, as well as helping to create a seamless experience for customers.


However, the rapid development of technology has the potential to impact an existing workforce.However, as aspects of certain job roles become automated it could lead employees to become concerned that the process could cost jobs.


Steve Weston states that perceptions must be changed and fears addressed, otherwise RPA efforts could prove unsuccessful as a result.


In the long term, RPA will present more opportunities for staff. While some roles will naturally become redundant, it will also create new roles while evolving others.


It is the role of the CIO to assure staff that more opportunities will be open to them as a result and that staff are given the opportunity to upskill and reskill.Then RPA will have a universally positive impact on your organisation in 2018, and beyond.


First Minister promotes Scotland to China


A range of Scottish industries and activities are experiencing growing interest from the Chinese market, and promoting these will be a key objective of the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s first official visit to China in three years, which began on 8 April.


“My visit this week is an opportunity to further promote the best of Scotland in the world’s second-largest economy. It will also help to deepen the long-standing cultural, education and tourism links that exist between Scotland and China.said the First Minister.


The astonishing growth in Scottish food and drink exports to China in recent years is testament not only to the high quality of our food and drink produce, but also a stark reminder of the huge opportunities open to us in the Chinese market.Making the most of these strengths is absolutely key to our future prosperity.but it can have much wider benefits as well."


Food and drink is not the only sector that has been experiencing growing trade – total goods exports to China across the whole of the Scottish economy increased by more than 40% last year.

在过去的 10 年间,苏格兰对中国的食品和饮料出口额增长超过150%,彰显出中国作为苏格兰商品市场日益显著的重要性。

Exports of food and drink to China have increased by more than 150% in the last 10 years, highlighting China’s growing importance as a market for Scottish goods

苏格兰威士忌出口量占比最大,达 6100 万英镑左右,比 2007 年上升了 45%。

Scotch whisky exports accounted for the majority, worth some £61 million - up 45% compared to 2007.

鱼及海产品仍然是对中国出口的主要食品,在 2017 年达到了约 5000 万英镑,比 2007 年提高了12倍以上。在苏格兰前十大食品出口市场中,中国目前位列第九。

Fish and seafood continues to be the primary food export to China, valued at about £50 million in 2017 – up more than 12-fold compared to the value in 2007. China currently ranks ninth in Scotland’s top ten food export markets.

首席大臣说:"毫无疑问,对于仅有 500 万人口的苏格兰来说,我们在国际品牌知名度和文化影响力方面取得了超乎寻常的成绩。"

There is no doubt that, for a country of 5 million people, Scotland punches well above its weight in terms of international brand recognition and cultural influence. "said the First Minister.

IMAX 与金逸在中国签署30家影院协议

IMAX Signs 30-Theatres Agreement With JinYi In China


IMAX Corporation and Guangzhou JinYi Media Corporation announced an agreement for 30 new IMAX theatres to be located in a combination of new and existing complexes across the country.


The agreement underscores IMAX’s more flexible approach to deal structures in China, designed to help optimize financial performance on a market-by-market basis.


The 30-theatre agreement will encompass a variety of different deal structures across Tier One to Tier Four cities based in part on the specific market and anticipated box office performance of the theatre.


The theatres are expected to open beginning this year through 2023 with approximately half to be installed by 2019.


The agreement brings to 885, IMAX’s total number of contracted theatres in Greater China with 543 open and 342 contracted to open.


“This agreement reflects a more flexible deal structure approach in China that IMAX will examine on a market-by-market basis, particularly as it relates to expanding our presence in smaller cities. said Richard L. Gelfond, CEO, IMAX.


We believe this new approach will help us maximize the box office potential for each new theatre added to our network.”


Tapestry appoints a new CEO

Tapestry, Inc.日前宣布委任Anna Bakst为Kate Spade 首席执行官兼品牌总裁。任职后,Bakst 负责品牌的全部事务。

Tapestry, Inc. recently announced the appointment of Anna Bakst as Chief Executive Officer and Brand President of Kate Spade. In this role, Bakst will be responsible for all aspects of Kate Spade globally.

Bakst拥有超过 25 年的管理及推动多个全球时尚品牌业务发展的丰富经验,任职期间领导全球设计、生产和采购团队,以及美国国内批发业务。

Bakst has over 25 years of experience managing and cultivating businesses for global fashion houses. In her role, she led the global design, production and merchandising teams, as well as overseeing domestic wholesale distribution.

Bakst拥有斯坦福大学商学院工商管理硕士学位和普渡大学工业工程理学士学位。此外,Bakst目前是Modern Meadow的董事会成员,她还是普拉特艺术学院设计管理课程的副教授。

Bakst holds an MBA from Stanford University and a BS in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University. Bakst is on the Board of Directors of Modern Meadow. She is also an Associate Professor at Pratt Institute’s Design Management program.

她在产品设计、开发和采购方面的丰富经验,以及她对全球消费者的深入了解,将成为推动Kate Spade增长新篇章的宝贵资产。

Her deep experience in design, development and merchandising, and her global consumer knowledge will be invaluable assets propelling Kate Spade’s next chapter of growth.


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编辑 / 李丹丹

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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