Bilingual·Foreign Business|谁家追“零”是先锋
2018-04-03 21:46:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|谁家追“零”是先锋



ADB and Sino-Icelandic Venture Co-promote Zero-emissions Heating


Honeywell Sets Goal to Reduce China Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Walmart Commits to Reduce Emissions by 50 Million Metric Tons in China


Seagate To Push Forward the Innovative AI Ecosystem



ADB and Sino-Icelandic Venture Co-promote Zero-emissions Heating


The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recently signed facilities of a total of $250 million in loans to Arctic Green Energy Corporation (AGE) and Sinopec Green Energy Geothermal Company Limited (SGE) to expand environmentally sustainable district heating services in China.


“Geothermal district heating can provide millions of citizens with safe and stable heat access while dramatically reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions and the reliance on fossil fuels,”said ADB Vice-President for Private Sector and Cofinancing Operations Diwakar Gupta.


“Our partnership signed in Iceland, a country whose own energy system shows the potential of geothermal, will deliver much-needed energy solutions that promote truly sustainable development.”


“Joining hands with ADB will help strengthen our long-term partnership on sustainable geothermal development to fight against air pollution and reduce greenhouse emissions. We aim to replicate our successful collaboration across Asia,” said SGE Chairman and Sinopec Star Vice President Liu Shiliang.


Honeywell Sets Goal to Reduce China Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Honeywell announced recently that it has pledged to reduce China-specific greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 10 percent per dollar of revenue from 2016 levels by 2022 as part of the Race to Zero campaign.


Honeywell has voluntarily implemented more than 100 energy efficiency projects in China, and is promoting waste reduction at each of its facilities.


By next year, Honeywell globally expects to achieve an additional 10 percent GHG emissions reduction per dollar of revenue from 2013 levels.

为了实现这个针对中国的减排目标,霍尼韦尔正采取一系列节能措施,包括计划让每年能源花费超过50万美元的办公场所获得ISO 50001认证。

To meet its China-specific goal, Honeywell is implementing energy-saving measures along with a drive to achieve ISO 50001 certification at sites with more than US$500,000 in annual energy spending.


Honeywell also is committed to deploying its Solstice low global warming potential product for chillers, foam insulation and propellants at its China facilities, which will dramatically reduce its GHG impact.


Honeywell and its suppliers have completed a $900 million investment program in R&D and new capacity to produce next-generation refrigerants, insulation materials, aerosols and solvents, which have global warming potentials equal to or better than carbon dioxide and at least 99 percent lower than most technologies used today.


Walmart Commits to Reduce Emissions by 50 m Metric Tons in China


Walmart recently announced a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in its China value chain by 50 million metric tons (MMT) by 2030 – equivalent to the emissions associated with the average annual electricity consumption of 40 million Chinese households.


To do this, the company aims to enroll all of its export and domestic suppliers in China, starting with 100 of its top suppliers, into an emissions reduction program.


Walmart was the first retailer to set an emissions-reduction plan approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and Project Gigaton falls under this plan, in alignment with the Paris Climate Agreement.


Through Project Gigaton, Walmart aims to work with its suppliers to reduce emissions in its global value chain by one billion metric tons – a gigaton – by 2030, equal to the emissions from more than 211 million average passenger vehicles in a year.


The 50 MMT emissions reduction target in China is part of this goal.Over 400 suppliers in China, India, the U.S. and other countries have joined Project Gigaton and Walmart plans to continue to expand the program.


To help provide resources to suppliers in China, Walmart has created a digital resource center in Mandarin and English with tools, case studies, and program resources on emissions reduction in the value chain.


Walmart also revealed the new commitment to reduce the carbon intensity (on a per revenue basis) of Walmart’s own operations in China, which include stores, clubs, distribution centers and other facilities, by an additional 25 percent by 2025, 70 percent below 2005 levels.


Seagate To Push Forward the Innovative AI Ecosystem

希捷科技公司日前参加由海康威视于杭州国际博览中心主办的智涌钱塘—2018 AI Cloud生态国际峰会并参与了AI Cloud生态启动仪式。

Seagate Technology recently attended the AI Cloud Ecology Launch Ceremony during 2018 AI Cloud World Summit on the theme of Qiantang River Intelligence Flow hosted by Hikvision in Hangzhou International Expo Center.


According to an in-depth Analysis and Development Prospect Forecast Report looking at the 2018-2023 forecast on China Artificial Intelligence Technology Applications, around RMB 10 trillion (US$1.62 trillion) industry-driven benefits will be generated through the application of AI by 2030 in China.

国际数据公司(IDC)发布的白皮书《数据时代2025》预测,到 2025 年,属于数据分析的全球数据总量将增长至原来的 50 倍,达到 5.2 ZB;而认知系统或者人工智能“触及”的分析数据总量将增长至原来的100 倍,达到 1.4 ZB。

IDC forecasts in its white paper Data Age 2025, sponsored by Seagate, that the global datasphere will grow by a factor of 50 to 5.2ZB by the year 2025. Additionally, the amount of analyzed data that is “touched” by cognitive systems, or AI, will grow by a factor of 100 to 1.4ZB by 2025.


“Driven by big data, the global need for AI video surveillance drives and cloud center hard drives is growing exponentially,”said Sandy Sun, vice president and general manager for China sales, Seagate Technology during the summit.


“building AI into its storage solutions, making it possible for our partners to optimize their systems and achieve business growth by making more effective use of stored data and improving the AI ecosystem.”


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编辑 / 刘辛未

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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