Bilingual·Foreign Business|中国首支原油期货挂牌交易
2018-04-03 22:03:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|中国首支原油期货挂牌交易


挂牌 | 中国首支原油期货挂牌交易

China's first crude futures contract was launched

交易 | 摩根大通推出人民币计价原油期货合约交易

J.P. Morgan Offers Clients Access to Crude Oil Futures Contract Launched at INE

财报 | 瑞士u-blox发布2017年财报

u-blox announces its financial results for 2017

新人 | 君迪任命新全球总裁兼首席执行官

J.D. Power appointed a new president and CEO



China's first crude futures contract was launched


DBS Bank announced on March 26 that it was appointed by INE as a depository bank for its overseas clients, the first and only foreign bank designated for the margin depository business for the first RMB crude futures.


China's first crude futures contract was launched at the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE) . Denominated in renminbi (RMB), which is the primary settlement currency for oil trading in Asia, the crude futures contract listed will be the first Chinese commodities contract open to global investors.


INE hasadmitted 149 futures companies, and designated 12 banks as Depositary Banks for its domestic clients and 8 as Depositary Banks for its overseas clients.


As the only foreign bank designated as a margin depository bank by the INE, DBS will offer international investors one-stop solutions from trading and clearing to settlement.


DBS Bank says, China is the world's second-largest crude oil consuming country and eighth-largest crude oil producing country. With crude oil imports of some 420 million tons in 2017, China has become the world's largest crude oil importing country.


Setting up an international energy exchange in China will bring the trading activities closer to the realities of the market, thus price-setting reflective of the supply-demand situation in the Asia Pacific region, especially China.


The crude futures contract launched on March 26 is the first denominated in the RMB, which is also in response to the demand from the market, which, on the one hand, will promote the international use of the RMB, and on the other hand, will be the basis for more effective hedging instruments for corporates.


J.P. Morgan Offers Clients Access to Crude Oil Futures Contract Launched at INE


J.P. Morgan is pleased to announce that it can facilitate trading and clearing of Renminbi-denominated crude oil futures contract for both its onshore and offshore clients following the launch on March 26 by the Shanghai International Energy Exchange (INE).


In June 2017, J.P. Morgan Futures Co., Ltd, the Futures and Options Joint Venture of J.P. Morgan in China was granted an exchange membership with the INE. With the membership, J.P. Morgan will be able to provide its clients with trading access (via both voice and electronic channels) and clearing services at INE.

摩根大通全球清算亚太区主管David Martin先生表示,“摩根大通很高兴在中国原油期货合约上市之日,立即向我们客户提供这一振奋人心的期货产品。

“J.P. Morgan is pleased to offer this exciting futures contract in China immediately from the launch to our clients. said Mr. David Martin, Asia Pacific Head of Global Clearing at J.P. Morgan.


China is the world’s largest importer of crude oil and the introduction of the RMB-denominated crude oil futures contract represents a milestone for China’s Futures market.”


“The crude oil futures contract is the first product in China’s futures market that offshore investors are permitted to trade. said Ms. Rochelle Wei, CEO of J.P. Morgan Futures Co.Ltd.


With J.P. Morgan’s leadership and expertise in the global futures market and strong relations with investors worldwide, we are well positioned to support the further development of this market.”


China’s futures market has been growing rapidly in recent years. According to the China Futures Association, the accumulated trading volume by the end of 2017 is 3.07 billion lots, with transaction value of RMB 187.9 trillion, placing China as one of the leading countries in the world volume ranking for the 8th consecutive year in terms of trading volume.


Swiss u-blox announces its financial results for 2017


Swiss u-blox,a global leader in wireless and positioning technologies,recently announced its financial results for 2017.Consolidated revenue of u-blox was CHF 403.7 million in 2017, a growth of 12.1% as compared to 2016.


Gross profit improved from CHF 167.1 million to CHF 184.0 million, with a continued strong gross profit margin of 45.6% in 2017.


Operating profit (EBIT) adjusted increased from CHF 69.8 million to CHF 78.0 million, a growth of 11.8% as compared to 2016.


The Asian and Pacific (APAC) markets reported strong growth, with the positive economic drive in China influencing the whole region. This allowed u-blox to achieve revenue growth of 13%.


While Asia remains our biggest market for wearables, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and other consumer applications, the region’s industrial sector is evolving, leading to growing demand for network equipment and tracking solutions.


J.D. Power appointed a new president and CEO

消费者数据及分析机构J.D. Power(君迪)日前正式任命Dave Habiger为公司新一任全球总裁兼首席执行官。

Dave Habiger is named the new President and CEO of J.D. Power effective immediately.

Dave Habiger将全面负责J.D. Power遍及美洲、欧洲和亚太地区的全球业务运营。

Habiger will oversee the global strategic direction and business strategy of J.D Power, including the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific.

制定和落实公司短期和中长期各项战略目标,进一步推动J.D. Power业务全面数字化,实现公司的社会和企业使命。

He will also lead the development of the company’s short-and long-term business strategy and execution, advancing the digitization of the business and furthering the company’s social and corporate mission.

现年49岁的Dave Habiger有过多次带领公司成功IPO上市的经历,并曾担任过多家纳斯达克和纽约证券交易所上市公司CEO。

Habiger, 49, is a seasoned technology sector visionary who has led several initial public offerings and served as CEO of multiple public companies listed on both the NASDAQ and New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Dave Habiger曾担任美国政府组织电动车委员会主席,负责充电桩基础设施规划。目前,他是美国汽车工程师协会长期会员及美国企业董事联合会会员。

Habiger served as Chairman of a governmental Electric Vehicle Commission to design infrastructure for charging stations and he is a long-standing member of the Society of Automotive Engineers.


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编辑 / 武亚东

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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