Bilingual·Foreign Business|波音飞机的座椅是谁设计制造的?
2018-01-19 19:40:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|波音飞机的座椅是谁设计制造的?


合作 | 陶氏和中国环境科学研究院签署合作备忘录

Dow and SKLECRA Sign Memorandum of Understanding

融资 | 标准银行和中国工商银行为莫桑比克提供融资

Standard Bank and ICBC finance Mozambique LNG deal

合资 | 波音与安道拓成立设计制造飞机座椅合资公司

Boeing, Adient Launch New Company to Design and Build Airplane Seats

汽车 | 保时捷2017年全球销量再创纪录

Porsche again sets new records for deliveries



Dow and SKLECRA Sign Memorandum of Understanding


The Dow Chemical Company and the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment (SKLECRA) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in Beijing.


Under the terms of the agreement, the two parties will collaborate in the fields of environmental criteria and standards and ecological protection in terms of scientific research, policy counsel, technical service, and applications, in addition to training and coaching sessions.


A China-U.S. Seminar on Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment was held after the MoU signing ceremony, attended by over 60 experts and scholars in related fields, featuring in-depth discussions on a range of topics, including environment and health, environmental toxicology, environmental criteria and standards, and business and environmental protection.


Dow invests heavily in R&D, with over 500 key projects each year. The Shanghai Dow Center is Dow’s largest integrated R&D center out of U.S., with more than 600 highly skilled scientists working in over 100 world-class laboratories.


Standard Bank and ICBC finance Mozambique LNG deal

莫桑比克Coral浮式液化天然气(FLNG)项目日前获得约 80亿美元投资,标志着该国向成为区域性和全球海上天然气生产商和供应商迈出了第一步。

An approximately USD 8 billion investment in Mozambique’s Coral Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) development marks Mozambique’s first step as a regional and global offshore natural gas producer and supplier.


The landmark energy deal is the first of its kind in the country and promises to transform Mozambique’s growth prospects.

标准银行非洲南部地区石油和天然气部门负责人Paul Eardley-Taylor表示:“这个具有颠覆性的交易不仅开启了推动莫桑比克恢复经济增长的能源投资周期,同时也向外界展示该国将成为全球重要的液化天然气供应国。”

“This game-changing transaction initiates a cycle of energy investment set to return Mozambique to growth while heralding the country’s arrival as a key global liquefied natural gas supplier,” says Paul Eardley-Taylor, Head, Oil & Gas, Southern Africa, Standard Bank.


Standard Bank and its 20% shareholder, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) are collectively the largest lenders to the project - reflecting the power of their partnership in driving African growth.


This milestone transaction gives life to Standard Bank and ICBC’s broader vision and strategy to develop East Africa as global energy production and supply hub,especially to East Asia.


Global interest in Mozambique and the region’s potential as future energy suppliers is reflected by broad international participation in the deal.


ICBC plays a critical role in this transaction, Standard Bank acts as commercial facility agent, onshore account bank and security trustee in respect of the project.


Boeing, Adient Launch New Company to Build Airplane Seats


Boeing and Adient announced the formation of Adient Aerospace, a joint venture that will develop, manufacture and sell a portfolio of seating products to airlines and aircraft leasing companies.


The seats will be available for installation on new airplanes and as retrofit configurations for aircraft produced by Boeing and other commercial airplane manufacturers.


The joint venture between Boeing, the world's largest aerospace company, and Adient, the global leader in automotive seating, addresses the aviation industry's needs for more capacity in the seating category, superior quality and reliable on-time performance.


Adient Aerospace will benefit from the world-class engineering teams and innovative cultures at both companies, as well as shared expertise in managing complex, global supply chains.


Adient Aerospace's operational headquarters, technology center and initial production plant will be located in Kaiserslautern, Germany, near Frankfurt.


The joint venture's initial customer service center will be based in Seattle, Washington. Adient Aerospace aftermarket spare parts distribution will be performed exclusively through Aviall, a wholly owned subsidiary of Boeing.


Adient is the majority stakeholder in the new company (50.01 percent share) and expects the joint venture to be included in its consolidated financial statements.


Boeing (as 49.99 percent partner) will receive a proportionate share of the earnings and cash flow. Both will have representation on Adient Aerospace's board of directors.


Industry analysts forecast the commercial aircraft seating market to grow from approximately $4.5 billion in 2017 to $6 billion by 2026.


Porsche again sets new records for deliveries


The upward trend continued in 2017, as Porsche AG has delivered around 246,000 vehicles to customers worldwide in the last year. With this figure, the Stuttgart-based sports car manufacturer exceeded the record set in 2016 by another four per cent.


A significant boost came from approximately 28,000 deliveries of the new Panamera; an increase of 83 per cent compared to the previous year.


“The hybrid models of the new Panamera in particular are very well received by customers, validating our product strategy,” says Detlev von Platen, Member of the Executive Board responsible for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG.


China remains the largest single market for Porsche: With more than 71,000 vehicles delivered, the previous year’s figure was exceeded by ten per cent.


In 2018, the new Cayenne is being launched in the key sales regions that are the USA and China – this promises further growth, von Platen continues. Nonetheless, the exclusivity of the brand will continue be our top priority in future.”


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编辑 / 武亚东

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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