2018-01-17 20:43:00 来源:搜狐财经



世界银行《PPP合同条款指南》(Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions 2017,下称“合同指南”),是世界银行对PPP合同的官方指引,2017年版指南对特定国家不同层级的PPP交易和不同法律制度下的PPP交易经验的表述方面进行了改进,并针对债券融资PPP合同和企业融资PPP合同增加专门章节。









Corporate entities typically use a range of financing means to fund their daily business needs across their corporate group. They will have credit facility arrangements with their relationship banks and may also raise finance through bond issues (public or private). They may also have multiple operating assets already generating revenue. If a new investment opportunity arises (such as a PPP Project), some corporate entities may prefer to put in place additional finance on a corporate basis instead of going down an investment-specific route (such as project finance).



Some corporates may not even need to enter into specific additional financing arrangements for particular investments as their balance sheets are so strong that they have sufficient financial reserves to finance the investment in question. The funding of investments in this way is called corporate financing and is also known as "on balance sheet" financing.



It is also possible that PPP Projects may be financed by a combination of project and corporate finance and the procurement process and documentation will need to be adapted appropriately.



Why are PPP Projects financed "on balance sheet"?

PPP Contracts in Context, PPP Projects are typically funded through limited recourse project financing of an SPV owned by sponsor parties. This is both because of the need to bring together different sponsors to build and operate an asset (e.g. financial investors would not have the technical capability to build the required asset) and possibly because the amount of finance required is usually beyond the balance-sheet capacity of an individual sponsor. Project financing is usually classified as “off balance sheet” which may be useful from an accounting perspective for the parties involved and can often have a lower cost of capital than corporate financing because of the high gearing of cheaper third party debt to more expensive equity.




However, although not commonly used, corporate/on balance sheet financing can play a role in PPP-type projects and may be suitable in a number of circumstances. These include where a bidder is the sole sponsor, has a strong balance sheet and typically uses corporate finance for new projects as part of its normal business model or where it may be more cost-effective to use balance sheet financing to reduce transaction costs.




Advisors:If corporate financing is an option, the Contracting Authority should (as with any form of financing under consideration) ensure it has engaged legal and financial advisers with relevant expertise as early as possible in the procurement process.

Procurement implications:If the Contracting Authority wants bidders to be able to submit the best value financing available, the bid process must allow for a range of financing approaches.

Due diligence:In a project financing, there are usually several parties carrying out due diligence on the PPP Project from the private sector side: the Private Partner, its sponsors and the lenders, as well as all their advisers.

Creditworthiness of Counterparty: A project-financed PPP Project necessarily involves an SPV which is party to carefully structured sub-contract arrangements and financing involving third party lenders, sponsor equity and guarantees or similar support at requisite levels (e.g. of equity or sub-contractor obligations). The SPV's income and expenditure are relatively transparent and its financial robustness assessable.

Price fluctuation between preferred bidder and financial close:Unlike in a project financing, a corporate financed bid may be able to offer a fixed price bid. This certainty may be of particular value to the Contracting Authority, depending on the PPP Project circumstances, and encouraging bidders that are raising third party debt to pre-hedge may not be feasible.

Transparency:There may be less transparency regarding price and cost in a corporate financed bid where the sub-contracting and financing elements are kept within the corporate group. The Contracting Authority should try to obtain a level of transparency equivalent to a project financed bid and in doing so should require a financial model as part of the bid submission so that it has sufficient information to understand the bidder's proposed flow of funds and capital structure.

Addressing poor performance:The Contracting Authority should bear in mind that in a corporate financed structure involving only one sponsor group, poor performance may not realistically be able to be addressed in the same way as it can be in a structure where more than one corporate group is involved, as well as possibly third party lenders.

Flexibility:A corporate financed Private Partner may have greater flexibility when it comes to agreeing significant changes to the scope of work/services under the PPP Contract if it does not have to involve third party lenders in the process.

Changes to documentation:If a PPP Project is being corporate financed and there is no prospect of a refinancing/ introduction of senior debt post commencement, then logically various adjustments should be made to the PPP Contract terms to reflect the structure, parties and documentation involved.







透明度: 在企业融资投标中,如将分包合同签署和融资因素限制在企业集团内部进行,则会降低定价和成本的透明度。由于缔约政府部门应该尽量获取与项目融资中相同的信息透明度,因此其应该要求投标人提交方案的同时提供一个财务模型,这样缔约政府部门才会有充分的信息去理解投标人建议的资金流动和资本结构。


灵活性:在企业融资模式下, 因第三方贷款方并非必须参与PPP项目,因此当PPP合同项下的工作范围/服务出现重大变更时,其调整的灵活性会更大。

对文件的变更:如果PPP项目使用企业融资方案,而且在项目开始之后很可能不会进行再融资/引入优先债务,那么就应该对PPP 合同条款进行合理的调整,以反映出涉及的架构、当事方和文件的特点。




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