Bilingual·Foreign Business | 比尔盖茨有生之年有什么愿望?
2018-01-16 19:18:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business | 比尔盖茨有生之年有什么愿望?



我在旧金山参加第 36届 JP 摩根健康大会( J.P. Morgan’s 36th Annual Healthcare Conference )时,谈到在全球健康领域和企业的合作存在诸多可能,以下就是我演讲的全文。

I spoke about the possibilities that exist at the intersection of global health and the private sector earlier today at J.P. Morgan’s 36th Annual Healthcare Conference in San Francisco. Here is the full text of my prepared remarks:


No matter where I go, no matter who I talk to, there’s one point I always try to get across. It’s been my key message for more than a decade.


It’s that health is getting better, and it’s getting better faster than ever before.


Since 1990, the world has cut child mortality in half. HIV is no longer a certain death sentence.

每年影响 10 亿人的诸多“被忽视的疾病”不再被人忽视。

Many of the so-called neglected diseases that affect a billion people every year aren’t neglected anymore.


I talk about what we’ve accomplished in the past because it makes me optimistic about what we can accomplish in the future.

不过我们还有很大的进步空间。今年,5 岁以下儿童的死亡人数预计将达到 500 万,大部分来自贫穷国家。

But there’s still a lot of room for improvement. This year, 5 million children under the age of five will die, mostly in poor countries.


And hundreds of millions of others will suffer from diseases and malnutrition that sap them, and their countries, of their strength and their potential.


Some of this can be addressed by doing a better job of getting lifesaving drugs and vaccines to the people who need them.


But there is still a substantial gap between the tools we have and the tools we need to eliminate the most persistent diseases of poverty.


The way to fill that gap is to innovate, and that’s why I’m excited to be here today.


Because the tools and discoveries your companies are working on can also lead to breakthrough solutions that save millions of lives in the world’s poorest countries.


It’s true that government-funded basic science research shines a light on promising pathways to health advances.


Philanthropy can help nurture the best ideas through discovery and development, and balance the risk-reward equation for private-sector partners.


But industry has the skills, experience, and capacity necessary to turn discoveries into commercially viable products.


The fact is that global health needs the private sector. And, frankly, the private sector has much to gain from pursuing breakthroughs in global health.

未来几十年,发展中国家的人口将继续增长。到 2050 年,非洲的人口将增长一倍多,达到约 25 亿人。这将是美国和欧洲预计总人口数的两倍多。

Over the next few decades, developing economies will continue to expand. By 2050, the population of Africa will more than double to almost 2.5 billion. That’s more than twice the forecasted population of the U.S. and Europe combined.

不过我们不用等20、30 年。即使从短期来看,对企业来说,造福他人的影响力和获得盈利之间也并不矛盾。

But we don’t have to wait 20 or 30 years. Even in the shorter term, impact and earnings are not mutually exclusive for the private-sector.

想必你们也知道,虽然我们的工作涉及其他多个具有重大影响力的项目,比如农业发展和美国本土的公共教育,但全球健康项目才是我们的重点所在。过去5年间,我们在全球健康领域的投资达到了近 120 亿美元。

As you probably know, global health is our primary focus at the Gates Foundation—although we also work in a few other areas that are big levers for impact like agricultural development and public education here in the U.S. Over the last five years, we have invested nearly $12 billion in global health.


This includes grants and equity investments in companies with promising technologies that have potential application in global health.


We also use creative price and volume guarantees that help the private sector mitigate the risk in developing a new product for which demand is unproven.


Our investments have led to new drugs and vector control tools for malaria,accelerated the introduction of new vaccines in poor countries.


And ensured that millions of people in the developing world have access to long-lasting contraceptives and the best-available antiretroviral treatment for HIV.


We are also working with the WHO and regulatory entities in China and Africa to eliminate systemic barriers that slow development of new products and access to new markets.


A few years ago, we looked at the data, which showed that in high-income countries it took 6-12 months to get a product registered—compared to 4-7 years in low-income countries.


We realized this was as big a challenge as anything else in getting new health solutions to the people who need them.

尤其让我感到兴奋的是,我们正与中国国家食品药品监督管理总局 (CFDA )合作,按照国际标准,共同建立一个更加高效和统一的药品和疫苗试验、审核和批准流程。这将改变游戏规则,有助于更多高质量的医药产品进出中国。

I’m particularly excited about our work with the Chinese FDA to provide a more efficient and consistent mechanism for testing, review, and approval of medicines and vaccines—using international standards. This would be a game changer in getting quality products into and out of China.

你们所做的工作和我们的工作之间还有一个重要的交叉点 ——这也是我今天想要讨论的内容。

There is another critical intersection emerging between what you do and what we do—and that’s what I’d like to talk about today.


The questions driving your research agendas today in biotech and pharma—and the problems we’re trying to solve in global health—are starting to converge in exciting ways.


Many of the solutions you’re working on—harnessing the immune system to tackle cancer, unraveling the mysteries of the brain to treat Alzheimer’s, and learning how bodies absorb nutrition to address the obesity epidemic and other diseases—also have clear applications in global health.


The global health community may not be thinking as much about treatments for cancer, but we need to understand the immune system to tackle deadly diseases like HIV, malaria, and TB.


We aren’t focused on the neurodegenerative diseases commonly associated with aging, but we are concerned about the cognitive development of hundreds of millions of young children in poor countries.


We aren’t dealing with a crisis of obesity in Africa and South Asia, but we are trying to address its inverse, a crisis of stunting, wasting, and undernutrition.


You may be interested in developing products for rich-world markets, but the breakthroughs happening in your labs can also save millions of lives in the world’s poorest countries.


In health and medicine, we learn by analogy. We borrow insights from other fields.


And when we ask one kind of question about key systems like the immune system, the brain, or our human microbiota, the answers may also apply to a totally different line of questioning.


A few months ago, a headline caught my eye in The Wall Street Journal. The story was one of many that have highlighted how the HIV virus’s genetic machinery can be used as a tool to modify T-cells so they are capable of attacking specific cancers.

我相信再过10年,我们将会看到这样一则新闻 —— “癌症疗法如何帮助治愈 HIV ”。

I’m confident that a decade from now, we’ll see a headline that says: “How Cancer Tools are Helping Cure HIV.”


Of course, it’s not quite that simple. Immunotherapy today works only against certain types of cancers and only in certain patients.


And, like cancer, infectious diseases such as HIV, TB, and malaria have complex interactions with the immune system of infected individuals.


But there is reason to hope that the insights uncovered in ongoing immunotherapy research for cancer will eventually help us control all infectious diseases.

这将是人类的巨大胜利 —— 也有可能为生命科学带来巨大的市场机遇。

This would be a huge victory for humanity—and potentially a significant market for the life sciences.

其他人似乎也这样认为。Bob Nelsen和Bob More 等风险投资人已经帮助 VIR 生物技术公司融资5亿美元 —— 其中也有我们的一份 —— 以支持它找到严重传染性疾病的治疗办法。

Others seem to think so too. Venture capitalists like Bob Nelsen and Bob More have helped raise over $500 million for VIR Biotechnology—including funding from us—to discover and develop treatments for serious infectious diseases.


We are also investors in Immunocore, which is using T-cell technology to help stimulate the body’s immune system.

虽然 Immunocore 的“T 细胞受体”技术在初始阶段以治疗癌症为目标,不过它也可以应用于对传染性疾病的治疗上。

Initially, Immunocore’s “T-cell receptor” technology targeted cancers, but it could also be applied against infectious diseases.

我们还支持 CureVac、Moderna 等公司通过 mRNA 技术研发疫苗和药物,这也许能帮助我们攻克癌症难题。

We are backing companies like CureVac and Moderna on mRNA approaches for vaccine and drug development, which have the potential to help us tackle cancer.

另外,这种有趣的技术还可用作HIV 、疟疾、流感和寨卡病毒的免疫干预手段。

This approach is also intriguing as a potential immunological intervention for HIV, malaria, flu and the Zika virus.

而且相较于传统疫苗,mRNA 疫苗的生产有可能更为便宜、简单、快速。

And mRNA vaccines are likely to be cheaper, easier, and faster to make than traditional vaccines.

这对流行病的控制极其有利 —— 不管它们是因自然因素爆发,抑或由人为生物袭击引起。

This would be particularly helpful in containing epidemics—whether they occur through nature or are the result of an intentional biological attack.

今天,一款新疫苗从研发到上市一般要花 10 年的时间。

Today, it typically takes up to 10 years to develop and license a new vaccine.

要想显著削减因病原体在空气中快速传播而造成的死亡人数,我们就必须大幅缩短从研发到上市的时间,将其减少到 90 天或更短。

To significantly curb deaths from a fast-moving airborne pathogen, we would have to get that down considerably—to 90 days or less.


Of course, fighting infectious disease is only one of the global health challenges that demand our attention. Another is newborn health.

尽管儿童死亡率已大幅降低,但预计今年,仍有将近 500 万五岁以下儿童死亡,其中出生 28 天内死亡的新生儿人数几乎占到了一半。

Despite the great progress in reducing child mortality, nearly 5 million children under the age of five will die this year—close to half in the first 28 days of life.


To make inroads against neonatal mortality, we first have to understand and address the underlying vulnerabilities of newborns, especially in poor countries.


Right now, we don’t know exactly why many newborns in poor countries die, which makes it very difficult to save them.


But we’re enthusiastic about leveraging the tools of genetics and other research the private sector is working on to help children survive birth, fend off deadly infections, and thrive both physically and cognitively.


We all share the goal of improving the health and well-being of people globally. Imagine what’s possible if we work together.

我认为未来将是这样的一个世界:人类终于彻底根除了古老的顽疾 —— 疟疾,数以亿计的人口得以免遭结核病之苦,我们还找到了治愈艾滋病的方法……

Consider a world where the age-old scourge of malaria is finally eradicated . . . where hundreds of millions of people no longer suffer from tuberculosis . . . and where we have a cure for HIV.

我们用了 25 年的时间成功将儿童死亡率降低了 50%。凭借在座各位的满腔热情、专业知识和丰富的资源,到 2030 年,我们希望能够将儿童死亡率再降一半。

In a quarter century, we cut childhood mortality in half. With the passion, expertise, and resources of the people in this room, we can cut child mortality in half again by 2030.


There are many technical challenges to overcome. But when I think about the breathtaking pace of innovation in just the last 10 or 20 years, I believe that even more extraordinary things are possible in our lifetime.


I can think of no more noble purpose than erasing the divide between those who suffer the relentlessness of disease and poverty—and those of us who enjoy good health and prosperity.


Achieving health equity in our lifetime is not only a possibility. It is an imperative, because everyone—no matter where they live—deserves the chance to live a healthy and productive life.


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编辑 / 李静

来源 / 经济日报记者陈颐、朱琳

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