32 沙湖公园
2017-10-31 17:49:24 来源:汉网


Sha Lake Park landscape design

1917年, 清末道员任桐于沙湖之滨建园“琴园”。近百年后,武汉市沙湖公园重现民国琴园风致。主景点据老琴园及任桐所著《沙湖志》中记载还原,一如当年康有为所题联:“琴谱茶径,扶轮风雅,园花池月,悟彻禅机”。该项目获2016年度第三届中国风景园林学会“优秀风景园林规划设计奖”一等奖。

In 1917, Ren Tong first built ‘piano garden’ next to the Sha Lake in end of the Qing Dynasty. Nearly a hundred years later, Sha Lake Park in Wuhan reproduce the landscape of ‘piano garden’. The main attraction is reproduced according to the old Park and Ren Tong's "Sha Lake history". The project won the first prize of "Excellent Landscape Architecture Planning and Design Award" in the 3rd China Landscape Architecture Society in 2016.


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