Long 冗长乏味的
2017-06-14 14:41:00 来源:BBC英语教学

Long 冗长乏味的

Long 冗长乏味的



菲菲正在为度假做准备,她想在出发之前熨好旅行要带的衣物。Neil 觉得熨衣服这件事很“long”,这是什么意思?听节目,学习一个形容事情“枯燥无聊的”英式俚语。


(关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做出的改变。)

Feifei:大家好,我是冯菲菲。欢迎收听 BBC 英语(精品课)教学的《地道英语》节目。

Neil:…and I’m Neil. Hi, Feifei, what are you up to?

Feifei:Hi Neil. Oh, I’m just ironing a few clothes.

Neil:That’s a big pile of clothes.

Feifei:I’m going on holiday! 我要去度假了,所以得在出发前把衣服熨得平平整整的才行。

Neil:You’re even ironing your shorts!

Feifei:Nothing like perfectly ironed shorts.

Neil:Nah, that’s long, Feifei!

Feifei:They’re shorts – not long! Neil 说熨衣服这件事很“长 long”,可是我在熨短裤啊。

Neil:Haha, very funny. You know what I mean.

Feifei:没错,其实我知道这个单词的意思。这是“long”的英式俚语用法,我们常在非正式的场合听到它,人们常用 long 来形容一项任务“枯燥,毫无意义”。

Neil:Exactly. Ironing is long. It’s dull and takes forever.

Feifei:That’s because you do it all wrong. Here, let me show you, while we play these examples.


I can’t believe you’re cleaning the whole house. That’s long, bro. Come out and enjoy the sun.

A: Why don’t you stick with your diet?

B: Dieting is long. I just eat what I want and go to the gym instead.

Neil:You know, Feifei, you’re right. Ironing isn’t so bad.

Feifei:Just you wait. You’ll be ironing your socks before you know it.

Neil:So, where are you off to on your holiday?

Feifei:我要用整整五个月的时间去环游世界。I’m travelling around the world for five months! 怎么样,听起来不错吧?

Neil:Wow, five months! That’s long.

Feifei:Aha – but do you mean long as in boring?

Neil:Of course not. Five months is a long holiday. Have a great trip!

Feifei:You can do all my ironing when I get back.

Neil:So long, Feifei. Bye!


Long 冗长乏味的

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