Artificial intelligence predicts when heart will fail 人工智能程序可预测心脏衰竭
2017-02-07 16:12:00 来源:BBC英语教学

Artificial intelligence predicts when heart will fail 人工智能程序可预测心脏衰竭

Artificial intelligence predicts when heart will fail 人工智能程序可预测心脏衰竭



科学家们说,人工智能可以预测心脏疾病患者的死亡时间。这种软件能够通过分析验血结果和心跳扫描看出心脏这一器官开始衰竭的征兆。英国医学研究理事会( Medical Research Council )的研究小组称,人们可以利用这项科技找出急需积极治疗的患者,从而救助更多人的生命。请听 James Gallagher 的报道。

An artificial intelligence can spot patterns that are beyond human perception. The software took MRI scans from hundreds of patients with pulmonary hypertension. The high pressure in the blood vessels and the lungs damages the structure of the heart. The AI used the scans to track the movements of 30,000 separate positions on a beating heart.

This information was combined with blood test data and eight years of medical records. As the computer programming learned what to look out for, it was able to predict when patients would die. It achieved 80% accuracy for the 12 months after the scan, which is more than doctors can manage.­­

One of the researchers, Dr Declan O’Regan, said that technology could help spot high-risk patients who needed to be treated more aggressively. Ultimately, the team want to use the technology in a wide range of heart disorders. The British Heart Foundation said the development was exciting, but the next step was to verify the findings before AI could be used routinely.


artificial intelligence人工智能,简称 AI


pulmonary hypertension肺动脉高压

blood vessels血管

computer programming计算机程序

look out for留意,注意







1.What was the software able to do based on the knowledge of the patients' condition?

2.What information did the artificial intelligence analyse apart from the patients' MRI scans?

3.True or false? The software predicted when patients would die with a higher accuracy thandoctors.

4.Which word in the text means ‘as a regular part of a procedure or process’?


1.What was the software able to do based on the knowledge of the patients' condition?

Based on the knowledge of the patients' condition, the computer programming was able to predict when they would die.

2.What information did the artificial intelligence analyse apart from the patients’ MRI scans?

Apart from the patients’ MRI scans, the artificial intelligence analysed blood test data and eight years of medical records.

3.True or false? The software predicted when patients would die with a higher accuracy thandoctors.

True. The software achieved 80% accuracy for the 12 months after the scan, which is more than doctors can manage.

4.Which word in the text means ‘as a regular part of a procedure or process’?


Artificial intelligence predicts when heart will fail 人工智能程序可预测心脏衰竭

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