在文化和旅游部的指导下, 中国—中东欧国家图书馆联盟 于2018年10月在中国杭州成立,联盟秘书处常设杭州图书馆。联盟内有中国、中东欧国家共计60余个成员馆,基于平等相待、互利共赢、包容开放的原则,共同推动中国、中东欧国家图书馆事业的共同发展。
“馆藏撷珍 交流互鉴”项目 由成员馆馆长介绍镇馆之宝,让珍贵典籍文献走进千家万户。在典籍的有效流动中,各国人们藉此增强对彼此文化、历史的理解。
《 武林风俗记》 著者王同( 1839-1903),仁和(今浙江杭州)人,清光绪三年(1877)进士 。 他虽然考中功名,却无意仕途,只对教书育人非常热心,先后在多个 书院 讲学 。 他学识渊博, 擅长书法篆印,有《塘栖志》《杭州三书院纪略》等 多部著作, 《武林风俗记》是 其中的一部 。
《武林风俗记》封面 据馆藏 《武林风俗记》 扉页记载,该书稿完成后直至庚申年(换成公历应为 1920年,此时距王同去世已17年)一直藏于王家宅院内。 其后,或因财力或因战争因素,书稿一直未曾刊印。 书稿几经辗转流传,由王氏私藏变成了公家收藏。 1958年杭州图书馆建馆,原杭州市文化局拨来一批古籍,其中就有这部《武林风俗记》。
《武林风俗记》内页 《武林风俗记》详考杭州乡土风俗由来,又注引前人典籍,是 研究杭州民情风俗的重要资料。 全书仅存稿本,未经刊刻,颇为珍贵,是杭州图书馆善本古籍之一,已入选 第一批 “国家珍贵古籍名录”。
Under the direction of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, China-CEEC Libraries Union was established in October 2018 in Hangzhou, China, with its secretariat permanently set in Hangzhou Public Library. More than 60 libraries from China and CEEC, on a voluntary basis, seek common progress made on the principle of "equality, mutual benefit, inclusiveness and openness".
The Very Collection in My Library aims to introduce treasures kept in each member library to audience in China and Central and Eastern European countries and bring ancient books into the limelight, through of which people could enhance their understanding of cultures and histories of other countries.
The first episode here is presented by Liu Dong, the director of Hangzhou Public Library, introducing you the rare ancient bookRecords of Wulin Customs.
The author of Record ofWulin Customs is Wang Tong (1839-1903 CE), who was born in Renhe (now Hangzhou, Zhejiang) and was a Jinshi (a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations) in the 3rd year of the Emperor Guangxun reign period of Qing Dynasty (1877 CE). Despite being successful in the examination, Wang Tong was not interested in pursuing an official career but showed much enthusiasm for teaching and educating people and gave lectures in many academies. He had a wide range of knowledge and was good at calligraphy and seal printing. He had many works, and Record of Wulin Customs is one of them.
Accordin g to the title page, the manuscript had been kept in Wang's house until 1920 (17 years after Wang's death). It didn't get a chance to be published due to finance or wars in the following years and in 1958 when Hangzhou Public Library was built,Record of Wulin Customs was allocated there together with a group of rare ancient collections.
"Wulin" is what Hangzhou was called in ancient times. In Wang's book, he originated local customs in each month since the Song Dynasty (960-1279 CE), and analyze their changes over time. From his record, we could see how Hangzhou residents lived hundreds or even a thousand years ago and how the customs relate our lives today.
Records of Wulin Customs , with origins of local customs in Hangzhou examined and previous classics quoted, contains precious materials for studying Hangzhou culture and customs. Wang's manuscript has been preserved in the Ancient Book Department of Hangzhou Public Library since 1958 and was selected into the first group of "List of State-level Rare Ancient Books".