Bilingual · Foreign Business|中国赴澳游客同比增58.2%
2018-05-24 19:44:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual · Foreign Business|中国赴澳游客同比增58.2%


旅游 | 中国游客是澳大利亚第一大国际客源市场

Chinese Tourists areAustralia's No. 1 International Source Market

合作 | 英国年利达与上海昭胜联营办公室成立

Linklaters Announces Joint Operations with Zhao Sheng Law Firm

股市 | 亚洲股市纷纷走高

Asian Stock Markets are Running High

财报 | 蒂森克虏伯上半年持续增长

thyssenkrupp With Strong 1st Half



Chinese Tourists areAustralia's No. 1 International Source Market


Business Events Australia formally launched a new, redesigned version of its official Chinese-language site.


The new site has incorporated more vibrant destination imagery and videos on the spectacular scenery and world-class resources around Australia for delivering business events, enabling first-person views and intuitive impressions.


By making the content rich with beautiful images and color blocks, the overall web design appears neat and clean. A flat design has been adopted to cater to the visual tastes dominating current web designing. Meanwhile, most images have been made clickable so as to better guide users through the pages of the site.


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics,Chinese travelers to Australia is now the largest at 1.39 million for year ending February 2018, an increase of 13.2 per cent relative to the previous year.Chinese travellers surpassed New Zealand’s 1.36 million visitors.


There were 226,900 Chinese visitor arrivals in February 2018, an increase of 58.2 per cent relative to the same period last year.


Linklaters Announces Joint Operations with Zhao Sheng Law Firm


Global law firm Linklaters recently announced it has received regulatory approval from the Shanghai Bureau of Justice for their Joint Operations with Zhao Sheng Law Firm.


Linklaters has been in a best friend relationship with Zhao Sheng Law Firm for some time and both firms are aligned in delivering best in class standards of exceptional client service.


The Joint Operations will offer a unique proposition to theChinalegal market.


By combining focused and high-quality PRC law capability with Linklaters’ long-standing international experience, gained from working on significant and complex global transactions for multinational clients.

年利达全球管理合伙人Gideon Moore表示: “我们希望在外商对华投资及中国企业境外投资两方面为客户提供服务,而联营办公室的设立将为此提供所需的一站式中国法和国际法律服务支持。”

“We want to support our clients on both their inbound and outbound projects and the Joint Operations will provide the seamless PRC and international advice required for this,”said Gideon Moore, Linklaters Firmwide Managing Partner.


Asian Stock Markets are Running High


Asian stocks rose Monday, lifted by what appeared to be an at least temporary thaw in trade tension between theU.S.andChina. Equity indexes inChina,JapanandSouth Koreaall rose.


Investors in theU.S.also reacted positively. S&P 500 futures rose 0.6%.S&P 500 futures gained 0.6%. The benchmark 10-year Treasury yield remained above 3%, near a seven-year high. And the dollar rose again, notching another six-month high.


It’s really tough to get a solid grasp on what’s happening in the trade turmoil between theU.S.andChina. But on Monday at least, stocks reacted positively to the latest news.


U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin grabbed headlines on Sunday by telling Fox News that theU.S.was “putting the trade war on hold.” Hours later, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer said tariffs remained an important tool to “protect our technology.”


In their initial reaction to those comments, markets in Asia reacted positively. Hong Kong’s stock index was among the biggest gainers, rising over 1%. As the chart shows, several Chinese shipping stocks rose sharply following Mr. Mnuchin’s comments.

中资猪肉生产商万洲国际有限公司(WH Group Ltd. 简称:万洲国际)大涨7.1%,创近两个月新高。该公司拥有美国猪肉供应商Smithfield Foods。

Chinese pork producer WH Group Ltd. , which ownsU.S.’s Smithfield Foods, jumped 7.1%, hitting a fresh two-month high.


thyssenkrupp With Strong 1st Half


The technology and industrial group thyssenkrupp continued its earnings growth in the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2017/2018.


Despite adverse currency effects and higher material costs in the capital goods businesses, the Group increased its adjusted EBIT significantly year-on-year by 21 percent to €500 million.


For the current fiscal year 2017 / 2018 thyssenkrupp confirms its forecast for the Group. Adjusted EBIT is expected to increase to €1.8 to €2.0 billion.


On this basis the company forecasts a significant increase in net income versus the prior year. Free cash flow before M&A is expected to be positive again.


“Overall we are satisfied with the 1st half and therefore well on track to achieving our targets for the year,” says thyssenkrupp CEO Heinrich Hiesinger.


At the same time we are working systematically on our programs to further improve our performance.”


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编辑 / 李静

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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