Bilingual · Foreign Business | 为“最严苛的筷子”服务
2018-05-19 14:56:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual · Foreign Business | 为“最严苛的筷子”服务





Strictly control quality, only to serve the most demanding chopsticks in the world!


China is the world's largest consumer market for pork, Finland food is the most clean and safe food among EU countries.


HKScan is a hundred year meat and dietary company in Finland.For HKSCAN,the Chinese market has been fully prepared for many years, and has also launched a series of cooperation with domestic enterprises.


Before, the first batch of high-end pork without hormones, antibiotics and Salmonella has been transported by air.The second batch of marine cargo will also arrive at Tianjin port in June.

今年2月,HKScan与浙江青莲食品股份有限公司签约,成立了上海倍莲倍芬食品有限公司,直接进口由芬兰Forssa基地生产的Omega-3 猪肉。

In addition, in February this year, HKScan and the Zhejiang green lotus food Limited by Share Ltd signed, the establishment of Shanghai BeiFenBeiLian Food Co.Ltd. direct import of Omega-3 pork from Finland Forssa base.

“中国合作伙伴帮助我们获得了有关消费者和顾客的宝贵意见。我们在中国的主要优势不在于批量生产,而是芬兰家庭农场风味以及世界级专业知识。”HKScan首席执行官Jari Latvanen说。

“Our Chinese partners have helped us gain the value of consumers and customers. Our main advantage in China is not mass production, but the farm flavor of Finland families and world-class expertise,” By Jari Latvanen, the chief executive of HKScan.


HKScan as a leading meat company in northern Europe, the company's main competitive asset is the value chain of farm from table ,that's transparent from the cooperative farm to the production base. Horizontal professional knowledge and world-class animal health and welfare standards become unique competitive advantages.


Up to now, HKScan has provided quality products to nearly fifty countries in the world., including many EU countries,New Zealand and Japan, etc.


Finland's food companies try to get to know every family farm partner.In order to ensure the full traceability of raw materials, at the same time, this small-scale 'craft agriculture' feed.


Farms that do not contain pollutants can also provide the most fundamental guarantee for the health of animals.


Finland has one of the cleanest natural growing environments and the most stringent food safety in the world.


HKScan Company from one thousand eight hundred and ninety-nine beginning to work on product quality and consumer's mouth in the year。Constantly optimizing the flavour, striving for food safety from the source, taking risk control as the foundation and adhering to the food the non sick individuals in the product law prohibit veterinary drugs, and strive to ensure that all meat is free from hormones and no antibiosis vegetarian and no Salmonella.


Ensure that every fine processed pork from the Finland family farm is produced.Products can bring consumers the natural and pure flavor of family farms.

“中国猪肉市场是世界上最大的,我们非常自豪能够开始为我们所知道的对质量要求很高的中国客户提供服务。” HKScan公司出口业务负责人Jukka Nikkinen表示。

'The Chinese pork market is the largest in the world, and we are very proud to start providing services to Chinese customers with high quality requirements that we know.' Jukka Nikkinen, head of HKScan's export business, said.


For China's pork market, though this year prices continue to fall and supply is high, but the potential consumer market is still renewed for high-end pork demand.


In this wave of the latest wave of consumption upgrading in China, the quality economy has really ushered in. The mainstream consumer's yearning for a better life has changed the concept of consumption.Home pays more and more attention to the quality of life and personalized needs.


Especially in food, people do not only care about the economic benefits, more concerned about safety, health and nutrition.


HKScan Corporate Forssa which the factory has issued export licenses, and the factory has other cities including the United States,Japanand other cities.The export license of the field has been obtained. ISO9001、14001 and FSSC22000 authentication。


HKScan Export goals for the first year is three thousand Tons, and plan to increased by three times until 2020.


编辑 / 渠丽华

来源 / 经济日报 记者陈颐 朱琳

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