Bilingual·Foreign Business|苹果收购特斯拉?
2018-05-17 18:40:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|苹果收购特斯拉?



89% of Organisations Planning to Implement AI


BMW Obtains the Autonomous Driving Road Test License in China


The New Economy Forum Will Be Held in China


Apple has twice completed due diligence in looking into a Tesla



89% of Organisations Planning to Implement AI


According to new research from global data and storage leader Seagate Technology, 96 percent of senior IT professionals believe AI applications will drive productivity and business performance. However, an almost equal number of respondents (95%) believe further investments in their IT infrastructure are required to enable them to support their use of AI.


The Seagate research, "Data Pulse: Maximising the Potential of AI", explores the varying readiness levels of AI adoption and implementation by business segments across key markets in Asia Pacific (APAC) as well as the opportunities and challenges faced by organisations when looking to incorporate AI applications.


The study identified 89 percent of organisations plan to implement AI technologies in the next 12 months, in areas within the organisation including IT, supply chain logistics, product innovation and R&D, as well as finance and customer support.


Despite robust adoption of AI technologies in the region, the report found that a significant number of organisations have not invested in the data and technical solutions required to support the technology fully.

希捷全球销售和销售运营高级副总裁BS Teh表示,为了充分利用AI带来的可观价值,亚太地区企业应积极建立强健的基础设施和生态系统,以支持数据分析和实时数据处理的需求。

BS Teh, senior vice president, global sales and sales operations of Seagate Technology says, in order to take full advantage of the considerable benefits brought by AI, Asia Pacific organisations should proactively look to develop robust infrastructure and ecosystems to support the needs of data analytics and real-time data processing.


BMW Obtains Autonomous Driving Road Test License in China


BMW officially obtained the Shanghai Intelligent Connected Autonomous Driving Test License issued by the Intelligent Connected Vehicle Road Test Promotion Team consisting of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau and Shanghai Municipal Transportation Commission recently.


Thus, BMW has become the first international whole vehicle manufacturer to obtain the autonomous driving road test license in China.


Autonomous driving, an important part of the BMW's "A.C.E.S." layout(namely, Autonomous driving, Connectivity, E-mobility and Shared services), will change the future of personal mobility in a revolutionary way, sharply improve the safety and convenience of public transport.

宝马集团位于上海的自动驾驶研发团队有超过 60 位该领域的专家。

The BMW Group has set up a strong local team in Shanghai, including over 60 experts in autonomous driving.


In the future, after obtaining the license, the R&D team will gather several Petabyte of data based on the system performance feedback of actual traffic, for simulations in future research, post processing and machine learning. Pushing forward the road test for L4 autonomous.


The New Economy Forum Will Be Held in China


Bloomberg and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) recently announced the New Economy Forum to be held in Beijing, China from November 6-8, 2018.


The Forum will stimulate a frank conversation about the shifts in the global economy and the risks and opportunities created by a world in transition that is increasingly led by China and India, as well as the rising powers in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.


Hosted by Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Three-Term Mayor of New York City, in partnership with CCIEE, the Forum will bring together a group of 400 preeminent world and business leaders and experts.


"The global economy stands at a historic turning point. New economic powers like China, India, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America are increasingly playing a more important role in shaping global affairs,” said Michael R. Bloomberg.


Now more than ever, we need a new convening platform to bring world leaders across the public and private sectors together to assess the risks and opportunities created by the emerging global order."


Apple Has Twice Completed Due Diligence In Looking Into a Tesla


Making a car and making a smartphone are two vastly different tasks. At a broader level though, Apple could use its production know how and vast cash pile to ramp Tesla's production so that it is a money-making auto-maker.


This is doable. Tesla has a current market value of about $51.3 billion, which is a lot. But Apple has a massive cash pile of about $285.1 billion -- if it wanted, it could probably make this happen, at least from a financial perspective.

苹果前首席执行官John Sculley在接受该网站采访时表示,“如果他们想,他们当然能买(特斯拉)。如果苹果想要收购一家大公司,那么肯定会选择在大型潜在市场拥有革命性产品的公司,而像特斯拉这样的公司显然符合标准。”

"They could certainly (buy Tesla) if they wanted to, they certainly have the financial capacity to do so,' said former Apple CEO John Sculley in an interview with TheStreet, adding, 'If they chose to (buy a big company) I am sure they would only do it with a product that was intended to be revolutionary in a large addressable market -- so an automobile maker like Tesla would certainly meet that criteria."

研究特斯拉的专家Anton Wahlman称,说服马斯克达成交易是再轻松不过的事情,他会“绝对地、毫无疑问地接受买断。”Wahlman还指出,“马斯克想做的是运营SpaceX,而不是汽车业务。”

Wrangling Musk into a deal would likely be the easiest part, Tesla expert Anton Wahlman says. He would "absolutely, no question" accept a buyout, "even at a takeunder," Wahlman continued. "(Musk) wants to run SpaceX, that's what he wants to do. He doesn't want a car business,"


Plus, for what it's worth, many Tesla insiders on blogs and threads have suggested Apple has twice completed due diligence in looking into a Tesla acquisition in recent years.


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编辑 / 徐晓燕

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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