Bilingual·Foreign Business | “全球公益建房” 活动在广州完成
2018-04-16 19:00:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business | “全球公益建房” 活动在广州完成


趋势 | 德国劳尔发布2019年秋冬室内色彩趋势

RAL Colours Releases 2019 Winter Colour Trend

航空 | ACH首次亮相亚洲商务航空会展

ACH Exhibits at ABACE For The First Time

公益 | “全球公益建房” 活动在广州乡村完成

Global Build with Habitat for Humanity Completed in Rural Guangzhou

汽车 | 保时捷稳健增长开启2018新篇章

Porsche Begins 2018 With Further Growth



RAL Colours Releases 2019 Winter Colour Trend


Headquartered in Bonn of Germany, RAL Colours, the global leading colour standardization organization, recently released 2019 Interior Winter colour trend Colour Essence.


Released twice a year, Colour Essence reflects the future fashion trends and transforms it into colour and design story.


2019 winter colour trend has 4 stories to meet various groups’ needs. 7 trends colours represent each story providing direction for designers, architects, colour professionals and fans in related areas.


“A Mirror of Society” is the theme of 2019 winter colour trend. Clearer and more precise than in other disciplines does the interior reflect societal and political changes.


Crude need for self-representation and status-presentation increasingly take a back seat. Instead room-design, furnishings and living-accessories take after the idea of sustainable and communicative lifestyle.

“绘 PAINT”这一趋势强调美学与功能的平衡,呈现冷静现代感,少数几个浓烈色成为点睛之笔。

The trend PAINT reflects a cool, modern story which is enriched by strong emphases.


It shows urban design proving the melting of private and business environment. Optimistic and self-confident design creates an energetic atmosphere that reflects the acceptance of new technologies, patterns and materials.

“暖 WARMTH”这一趋势关注现代冬日舒适感,呈现出低调奢华和慷慨。泥土色调和木头、哑光绒或陶瓦等材质诠释了这一主题。

In WARMTH, the focus is on a modern interpreted wintery coziness, reflecting an understated luxury and generosity. Earthy colours and materials such as wood, matt velvet or terracotta dominate this trend.


Thanks to individual colour and material-emphases, including metallic surfaces, even smallest areas can be designed into luxurious areas.


Whilst forms are kept primarily modest and simple, colours, texture and the mix of various materials become increasingly important. Light, wooly beige is accompanied by a glowing mustard yellow, whose strong presence is balanced by a heavy red.

“憩 REPOSE”这一颜色概念传递了平静、简约的氛围,用一组冬日粉彩色和中性色来诠释。

The third colour concept REPOSE transports a calm, minimalism affiliated atmosphere, which relies on wintery pastels and neutrals, underlaid with colour.


A clean and geometrical design is emotionalized through fresh colour-choices or haptic stimulus. The mix of tradition and modern elements supports the long for relaxation for body and soul, creating a calming contrast towards an increasing number of dazzling colours in our modern world.

最后一个趋势“域 SCOPE”代表了宽大空间设计概念,这一主题下的趋势色是浓烈的。

Scope stands for a progressive design concept meant for generously sized spaces. Correspondingly, the colours are strong and intense.


It continues an urban lifestyle, which combines all of the named aspects in an energized and yet homogenized mix and thus successfully represents the richness and diversity of the global community.


RAL is the global language of colour. With its RAL CLASSIC and RAL EFFECT colour collections as well as the RAL DESIGN system, RAL provides colour users a multifaceted selection of precise colour samples.


The RAL COLOURS palette contains a total of 2,328 colours. The RAL COLOURS product range includes colour fan decks, standards for plastics and software as well as colour design and trend books.


ACH Exhibits at ABACE For The First Time


Airbus Corporate Helicopters(ACH ) will showcase an indispensable product from its business aviation range, at this year’s Asian Business Aviation Conference and Exhibition (ABACE) from 16th to 19th April in Shanghai.


This will mark the first time ACH is officially present in China since its launch at EBACE last year.The arrival of ACH ensures that Airbus is the only aerospace manufacturer with a dedicated private and business offering across both fixed and rotary wing aircraft.


In addition to seeing the latest ACJ offering, visitors will have the opportunity to visit an ACH145 Mercedes Benz, a popular and versatile helicopter with the business interior designed the automotive giant.


At the show, ACH will highlight its vision for business aviation: to provide a personalised offering with 24/7 worldwide support, ensuring an unmatched ownership experience. Based on this, ACH customers select options that best meet their needs.


Airbus Helicopters has been China’s No. 1 helicopter partner with 50-year presence in the country. In the Chinese civil and para-public market, Airbus Helicopters is the leader with almost 40% market share and more than 260 helicopters flying across the country serving for 75 customers.

“全球公益建房” 活动在广州乡村完成

Global Build with Habitat for Humanity Completed in Rural Guangzhou


Delta Air Lines completed its 15th Global Build with Habitat for Humanity, a global nonprofit organization which helps families build or improve a place that they can call home.


52 Delta employees and retirees, representing 18 stations and seven countries, along with 16 China Eastern employees worked together in Sancun, a small village 85 miles north of Guangzhou, to help with the construction of six new homes in partnership with by local families.


For the 8th consecutive year, SkyMiles customers who bid for the opportunity to participate through Delta’s SkyMiles Experiences online auction took part in the project as volunteers.


The team celebrated at a home dedication ceremony with the future home owners and enjoyed the time together getting to know each other and sharing well-wishes for the future.


With the completion of the 15th Global Build in Guangzhou, Delta volunteers have built or rehabilitated 259 homes in 12 countries all over the world since our partnership with Habitat for Humanity began in 1995.

达美航空社区事务部总经理Tad Hutcheson表示:“达美航空正在致力于不断拓展我们的航空网络,持续开拓大中华区市场,并与我们的合作伙伴中国东方航空公司携手,回馈我们共同服务的中国社区。”

“Delta is growing our network and commitment to the Greater China market, as well as giving back to the community we serve together with our partner, China Eastern.”said Tad Hutcheson, Delta’s Managing Director – Community Engagement.


China Eastern is Delta’s strategic partner in China. Delta invested $450 million and acquired a 3.55 percent stake in China Eastern in 2015.


Porsche Begins 2018 With Further Growth


It’s been a successful start to the year: In the first quarter of 2018, Porsche AG delivered around 63,500 vehicles worldwide, equivalent to an increase of six per cent compared with the previous year. This represents the most successful first quarter in the sports car manufacturer’s history.


The USA, Europe and the company’s home market in Germany were the main drivers of growth,the US market recorded the largest overall growth, with deliveries increasing by 10 per cent to around 14,000 vehicles.

2018年第一季度,中国再次蝉联保时捷全球最大单一市场。2017年,保时捷中国创造了在中国内地、香港及澳门累计交付 71,508台新车的杰出业绩,保持其全球最大单一市场的地位。

In the first quarter of 2018, China was again the largest individual market for Porsche. In 2017, China was once again the strongest individual market with a total 71,508 vehicles delivered across Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau.

在日内瓦车展上,保时捷通过Mission E Cross Turismo这款概念车诠释了纯电动车对于品牌的意义。

At the Geneva Motor Show, Porsche demonstrated what a purely electric future means to the brand with its Mission E Cross Turismo study.

这款跨界多用途汽车(CUV)是拟于2019年末上市的保时捷Mission E系列量产车型的衍生版本。保时捷客户对于可替代的驾驶技术需求旺盛。

This “Cross-Utility Vehicle” represents a potential derivative of the series-production version of the Porsche Mission E due to be launched at the end of 2019. Demand for alternative drive technologies is already high among Porsche customers.


“We are delighted with our strong start. During 2018, we expect that we will stabilise at the high level achieved last year”, says Detlev von Platen, Member of the Executive Board responsible for Sales and Marketing at Porsche AG.


In addition to the development, production and sale of exclusive sports cars, Porsche is increasingly tackling the subjects of electrification, digitalisation and connectivity. In doing so, it is important to unite our traditional values with innovative technologies. ”


Once again, the most successful model has been the Macan: More than 23,000 of these sporty SUVs have been delivered worldwide. The fascination with the 911 still lives on.


At the beginning of the year, Porsche delivered more than 9,600 vehicles to customers, which represents an increase of 35 per cent.


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编辑 / 李静

来源 / 经济日报记者陈颐、朱琳

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