Bilingual·Foreign Business|数字化转型浪潮带你冲向何方?
2018-04-12 19:21:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|数字化转型浪潮带你冲向何方?



Riding the Wave of Digital Transformation


Exports Domestic Demand Deliver Solid Growth in Asia and the Pacific


Thales signs Space Act Agreement with NASA


TripAdvisor Recognizes World's Best Airlines



Riding the Wave of Digital Transformation

微软与IT行业分析公司IDC合作,进行了一项以“解锁数字化转型在亚太市场的经济影响力”为主题的调查研究。该报告显示,到2021年,数字化转型将为中国GDP的年度增长贡献1%的增速, 价值7160亿美元。

By 2021, digital transformation will add an estimated US$716 billion to China’s GDP, and increase the growth rate by 1.0% annually, according to a new business study released . The research, “Unlocking the Economic Impact of Digital Transformation in Asia Pacific”, was produced by Microsoft in partnership with IDC Asia/Pacific.


The study predicts a dramatic acceleration in the pace of digital transformation across Asia Pacific’s economies.


Organizations in Asia Pacific need to accelerate their digital transformation journey to reap the full benefits of their initiatives, and to address the invisible revolution brought about the mass adoption of AI.


More importantly, companies need to focus on capitalizing their own data in order to gain new market insights, create new digital products and services, and monetize data through data sharing securely, and in collaboration with its ecosystem.


Microsoft recommends organizations to adopt the following strategies to become a digital transformation Leader:


Create a digital culture:


Build an information ecosystem:


Embrace micro-revolutions:


Develop Future Ready Skills for Individuals and Organizations:


Exports Domestic Demand Deliver Solid Growth in Asia and the Pacific


Growth picked up across most of the economies in developing Asia, supported by continued high demand for exports and rapidly expanding domestic demand, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report.


In its new Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2018, ADB forecasts gross domestic product (GDP) growth in Asia and the Pacific to reach 6.0% in 2018 and 5.9% in 2019, a slight deceleration from the 6.1% registered in 2017.


Excluding the high-income newly industrialized economies, growth is expected to reach 6.5% in 2018 and 6.4% in 2019, from 6.6% in 2017. ADO is ADB’s flagship annual economic publication.


“Economies across developing Asia will maintain the current growth momentum driven by sound policies, expanding exports, and robust domestic demand,” said Yasuyuki Sawada, ADB’s Chief Economist.


Strong regional trade links and rising financial buffers position the region well to withstand potential external shocks, including the risks of rising trade tensions and rapid capital outflows.”


The recovery in industrial economies continues, with the US, euro area, and Japan expected to collectively grow by 2.3% in 2018 before slowing to 2.0% in 2019.


Recently enacted tax cuts will fuel growth in the US as the Federal Reserve keeps inflation in check through gradual monetary tightening. Meanwhile, rising business confidence and easy monetary policy will support growth in the euro area and Japan.


Growth in South Asia remains among the world’s fastest, driven by a recovery in India, the region’s largest economy.


Indian growth is expected to pick up to 7.3% in fiscal year (FY) 2018 and 7.6% in FY2019, following the estimated 6.6% in FY2017.


ADB research prepared for the ADO shows that debt accumulation has a positive impact on economies only in the short run.


Private debt in developing Asia has risen markedly since the global financial crisis and its limited effect on output suggests not all of the additional debt is channeled into productive investments. Authorities can counter this risk by strengthening regional financial systems.


Thales signs Space Act Agreement with NASA


Today, Thales announces that it has reached formal agreement with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for a Space Act Agreement to support their unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) traffic management (UTM) activity.


With the ongoing support of federal, state and local government officials, and economic development organizations, Thales will be creating jobs in New York through this agreement.


This framework agreement allows Thales to engage with NASA on a technical and program level to continue to establish UTM in the United States, and allows Thales to leverage its global expertise in UTM.


Thales will support NASA’s goal to develop a UTM concept that can be transferred to the FAA in 2019 for deployment in the national airspace system (NAS).


Under this agreement, Thales will collaborate with NASA for the research, development, testing and evaluation of low-altitude airspace control of UAS operating at or below 400 feet.


TripAdvisor Recognizes World's Best Airlines


TripAdvisor,the travel planning and booking site, announced the winners of its Travelers’ Choice awards for airlines, identifying travelers’ favorite carriers around the globe. For 2018, Singapore Airlines was named the number one airline in the world.


Award winners were determined using an algorithm that took into account the quantity and quality of airline reviews and ratings submitted by travelers worldwide, over a 12-month period on TripAdvisor Flights.

继猫途鹰去年首次成功推出 “旅行者之选” 最佳航空公司榜单后,今年入选该奖项榜单的航空公司增至69家,它们为全球游客提供了高品质的服务。

Following the success of last year’s inaugural Travelers’ Choice awards for airlines, the 2018 award categories expanded to honor 69 airlines that provide exceptional value and service across the world.


In addition to the world list, the Traveler’s Choice awards recognize the best airlines in seven regions including Asia, Europe, North America, Latin America, South Pacific & Oceana, Africa & Indian Ocean, and the Middle East.


The awards also recognize the top airlines in four distinct service classes: International First Class, Business Class, Premium Economy, and Economy. The hallmarks of Travelers’ Choice award winners are outstanding service, quality and value.


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编辑 / 李丹丹

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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