Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚太区人工智能挑战赛约你来战!
2018-04-03 21:43:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|亚太区人工智能挑战赛约你来战!


赛事|2018 亚太区 HPC-AI 挑战赛开赛

The 2018 APAC HPC-AI Competition kicks off


NXP and JD announce strategic IoT partnership


Bloomberg supports China's international sales of crude oil futures


LinkedIn appoints new president


2018 亚太区 HPC-AI 挑战赛开赛

The 2018 APAC HPC-AI Competition kicks off

致力于高性能计算 (HPC) 和人工智能 (AI) 技术研究、教育和推广的HPC-AI 咨询委员会,携手新加坡国家超级计算中心宣布,举办首届亚太区 HPC-AI 挑战赛。

The HPC-AI Advisory Council, a leading organization dedicated to high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) research, educations and outreach, and the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC) Singapore, have officially kicked off the first APAC HPC-AI Competition.

本次大赛面向亚太地区所有高校和技术机构/团队开放,赛事将围绕 AI 开发与测试,以及大负载高性能计算所面临的挑战而展开。

University and technical institute teams from the entire APAC region are taking part in the 2018 competition, which includes both creating missions and addressing challenges around AI development and testing, and high-performance computing workloads.

获胜队伍将受邀前往德国,参加2019年ISC 19 国际大学生超算大赛。

The top team will be invited to Germany to participate in the 2019 International HPC- ISC Student Cluster Competition.

大赛主办方鼓励来自各国的参赛队伍充分展示其在HPC 和 AI 方面的专业技能,在友好又不失激烈的竞赛中,促进高性能计算和人工智能领域的国际交流。

The new APAC HPC-AI Competition encourages international teams in the APAC region to showcase their HPC and AI expertise in a friendly yet spirited competition that fosters international exchange in the areas of high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI).

为了赢得最高荣誉,各参赛团队需要展示其优秀的开发实力,遵循严格的功耗限制,并在一系列HPC 和 AI 标准应用和基准测试中实现最高性能。

To take home top honors, the teams will have to showcase systems of their own design, adhering to strict power constraints and achieve the highest performance across a series of standard HPC and AI benchmarks and applications.

国际高性能计算咨询委员会主席 Gilad Shainer表示:“HPC 和 AI 采用相似的技术以及基础架构,在高校、研究型实验室和商业机构中发挥着重要作用,HPC和AI技术能够帮助它们开发面向未来的产品和服务。

“Sharing the same underlying technologies and infrastructures, HPC and AI are key enablers for universities, research laboratories and commercial vendors to develop the products and services of tomorrow.noted Gilad Shainer, chairman of the HPC Advisory Council.


from safer cars and airplanes, to accurate weather and storm prediction, to improving peoples’ lives and discovering new cures and solutions to problems plaguing Earth.”

通过参加首届亚太区HPC-AI 挑战赛,参赛团队将深入了解HPC 和 AI 技术并付诸于实践,从中获取宝贵的行业知识和培训经验,还可以接触到最前沿的计算工具。这些技术不仅将在比赛中得到应用,对于团队成员未来的职业发展也十分有益。

By participating in the APAC HPC-AI competition, team members will harness the power of HPC and AI, while gaining priceless access to a wealth of industry expertise, training and tools and hands-on exposure to a range of technologies and techniques they’ll use not only for competition but throughout their careers.


NXP and JD announce strategic IoT partnership


NXP Semiconductors recently signed a strategic Memorandum of Understanding with joint effort will leverage and combine’s expertise and capabilities in e-commence, data analysis as well as operations in finance, logistics and marketing, with innovative technologies from NXP in the field of security, IoT, artificial intelligence (AI) and edge computing to establish an integrated IoT ecosystem of products, services and operations for the China market and beyond.


The cooperation aims to bring solutions across different applications to reduce technical barriers and enable seamless connectivity and communication between smart devices, smart home or building infrastructures, smart retail and logistics applications.


Data released by market analysis company Gartner shows that by 2020, the number of global connected devices will reach more than 20 billion units, and the market for IoT will reach 1.9 trillion US dollars.


NXP says that they will fully support the strategic transformation of, working together to provide more users smart experiences enabled by IoT.


Bloomberg supports China's international sales of crude oil futures


Bloomberg announced recently that it will provide trading connection to a number of Chinese futures companies.


COFCO Futures, Everbright Futures and Guotai Junan Futures, will be adopting Bloomberg's Exchange Gateway service so global investors can trade crude oil futures with Chinese futures companies directly and seamlessly.


Bloomberg developed the Exchange Gateway service specifically to cater to the unique trading systems of Chinese futures companies.


The service connects the trading systems of Chinese futures companies with Bloomberg's trade execution system, allowing international investors access to invest in China's crude oil futures market.


In addition to the Gateway solution, China's futures companies with trading systems based on the FIX protocol, including BOCI Futures, China Merchant Futures, CICC Futures, GF Futures, Haitong Futures and Orient Futures can also connect directly with Bloomberg’s platform.


“We are very pleased to provide technical and connectivity solutions for China's crude oil futures market, and hope that this will enable international investors to capture new investment opportunities and help China’s crude oil market go global,”said Ee Chuan Ng, Head of Bloomberg Greater China.


Via the Bloomberg Terminal, investors of crude oil futures can access real-time data, news and industry research of the market and use Bloomberg's Execution Management System (EMSX) for pre-trade analysis, broker selection, order management and real-time analysis of trading performance.


LinkedIn appoints new president


LinkedIn says, China is one of the most significant and strategic markets for LinkedIn. LinkedIn rencently announced the appointment of Jian Lu as President of LinkedIn China.


On this role, Jian will oversee LinkedIn’s business and R&D in China. The appointment will be effective immediately.Jian brings with him more than 20 years of experience managing technology companies in the US and China.

加入领英前,陆坚是沪江合伙人、沪江旗下CCtalk CEO。他曾担任360影视CTO、360直播云平台总经理;盛大集团副总裁、盛大多媒体创新院院长,以及盛大旗下的酷6网CTO。

Prior to joining LinkedIn, Jian was a partner of Hujiang EdTech, and CEO of CCtalk, a subsidiary of Hujiang. He was CTO of 360 Video and General Manager of 360 Live Video Cloud at Qihoo 360 .


He was co-founder and CTO of Vobile during 2005-2010.Earlier in his career, he worked at Apple for eight years, first as Senior Scientist in the Interactive Media Group and then Lead Principal Engineer in Pro Video Engineering.


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编辑 / 刘辛未

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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