Bilingual·Foreign Business|“航空极客”挑战环球飞行世界纪录
2018-01-22 19:41:00 来源:搜狐财经

原标题:Bilingual·Foreign Business|“航空极客”挑战环球飞行世界纪录


市场 | 全球经济趋势及其对黄金的影响

Global economic trends and their impact on gold

招聘 | 中国大陆雇主聘用人才仍谨慎

Mainland China’s employers cautious on new hiring

航空 | 阿提哈德“航空极客”挑战环球飞行世界纪录

Etihad Airways ‘Aviation Geek’ Embarks On Round The World Record Attempt

庆典 | 蒂森克虏伯庆祝自动扶梯诞生125周年

thyssenkrupp celebrates the 125-year anniversary of the escalator



Global economic trends and their impact on gold


Recently, World Gold Council released a global gold market outlook report - Outlook 2018: Global economic trends and their impact on gold.


The report not only shows four factors supported 2017’s price gains but also explores four key market trends and their implications for gold.

1.全球经济同步增长的一年金融危机结束十年后,世界经济正在回归正轨。2017 年全球经济加速增长,市场预计这种趋势将在2018年继续。

1.Ten years after the financial crisis the world is returning to economic normality. Global growth increased in 2017 and the market expects the trend to continue in 2018.


We expect that China’s economy – home to the world’s largest gold market – will continue to grow, but the nature of growth is changing:


its long-awaited transition from investment-driven growth to a consumption-led model is underway.


This could affect the economic growth rate, but even if the Chinese economy grows at a slower rate than in the past, we see a more balanced model – aided by further global integration through its One Belt One Road initiative – as supporting a sustainable growth trajectory.


2.Continued global economic expansion will likely result in tighter monetary policy.

在寻求缩减其庞大的资产负债表的过程中,美联储将起到带头作用——美联储计划每个月让 500 亿美元的国债和抵押支持证券到期,

The Fed will take the lead as it seeks to shrink its swollen balance sheet – it plans to let US$50bn of treasuries and mortgage-backed securities mature each month,

预计到 2020 年,其资产负债表将从 2014 年以来的 4.5万亿美元缩减到 2.5 万亿美元左右。预计美联储还将继续加息。

and it is anticipated that by 2020 its balance sheet will decrease to around US$2.5tn, having been at US$4.5tn since 2014. The Fed is also expected to raise rates further.


In our view, the potential headwinds to gold may not be as strong as some think. Gold can help investors manage financial market risks.

我们对不同的美国实际利率环境下黄金表现的分析表明,当实际利率介于 0%-4%之间时,黄金收益率为正值,其波动性和与其他主流金融资产的关联性低于长期均值。

Our analysis of gold’s performance during different US real-rate environments reveals that when real rates are between 0% and 4% gold’s returns are positive, and its volatility and correlation with other mainstream financial assets are below long-run averages.


These attributes can have a positive effect on portfolio performance.

3.有泡沫的资产价格2017 年全球资产价格达到多年高点。美国的标普 500 指数处于史上最高水平,其周期调整市盈率(CAPE)处于 2000 年互联网泡沫峰值以来的最高水平。

3.Asset prices hit multi-year highs around the world in 2017. In the US, the S&P 500 is at an all-time high and its cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio (CAPE) is at its highest level since the peak of the dot-com bubble in 2000.


Should global financial markets correct, investors could benefit from having an exposure to gold as it has historically reduced losses during periods of financial distress.

4.市场透明度、效率和产品供应 在过去十年里,金融市场变得更透明和高效,新产品向所有规模的投资者扩大了供应渠道。

4.Over the past decade, financial markets have become more transparent and efficient, with new products broadening access to investors of all shapes and sizes.


The gold market is no exception and over the past few years it has made great strides in terms of transparency. And gold-backed investment vehicles around the world are making it easier and cheaper to access gold.


We believe that the confluence of the key trends we’ve highlighted for 2018 could be supportive of gold demand.


Mainland China’s employers cautious on new hiring


The 2018 Hays Asia Salary Guide, released today reveals that while 63 per cent of businesses in Mainland China expect an increase in business activity and 49 per cent expect the economy to strengthen in 2018, only 45 per cent expect to increase headcount.


Employers in Mainland China remain cautious about hiring despite growing optimism towards the economy and the business environment, according to recruiting experts Hays.


The 2018 Hays Asia Salary Guide highlights salary and recruiting trends drawn from more than 3,000 employers across Mainland China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore representing six million employees with salary ranges reported for more than 1,200 roles.


“Our survey findings’ shows the vast majority of employers in Mainland China are optimistic about strong economic growth and business activity in 2018. says Simon Lance, Managing Director for Hays in Greater China.


We believe this positive sentiment will eventually lead to more businesses increasing their headcount to take advantage of the promising economic and business landscape.”

尽管招聘计划谨慎, 51%的中国大陆雇主计划今年涨薪6%以上,这比亚洲整体水平高出24%。与此同时,有35%的中国大陆雇主计划通过涨薪3%至6%来留住人才。

Despite the soft hiring plans as reported, 51 per cent of employers in Mainland China plan salary increases of more than 6 per cent which is 24 per cent more than the whole of Asia combined. A further 35 per cent plan salary increases of 3-6 per cent as businesses look to retain talent in 2018.


“Recruitment and retention of talented employees remains a key factor in the success of any business, and employers in Mainland China recognise that salary increases are one way to keep their best people on board,” adds Simon.


" However, our survey also found that there is a disconnect in salary expectations between employers and employees in Mainland China.


85 per cent of candidates surveyed expect a salary increase of more than 6 per cent this year vs. the 51 per cent of employers who plan to offer the same increase."


This year’s report has found that there are more foreign workers employed in Mainland China compared to our previous report.


Currently, foreigners make up 10 per cent of Mainland China’s workforce which is up four per cent.


However, the Mainland China still lags behind other Asian regions for employing overseas talent and is joint bottom with Malaysia.

中国大陆愿意到海外工作的员工人数比例从去年的69%下降到61%, 这可能是得益于公众对中国经济发展的信心增强。

The number of employees in Mainland China willing to relocate overseas for work fell to 61 per cent compared with 69 per cent in the previous year.


This may be a reflection of the growing public confidence in the Chinese economy, greater opportunities amid the trend towards higher domestic investment by Chinese companies and the emergence of a greater number of world-class local enterprises.


Etihad Airways ‘Aviation Geek’ Embarks On Round The World Record Attempt

阿提哈德航空高管Andrew Fisher1月21日凌晨开启终生难遇的一次旅行,他搭乘定期航班,尝试以最少的航段和最短的时间挑战环球飞行的世界纪录。

Senior Etihad Airways executive, Andrew Fisher, embarks on a journey of a lifetime on 21 January when he attempts to break the world record by flying around the globe in the shortest time frame on scheduled flights, and with the fewest number of sectors.


Fisher, who works as the airline’s Vice President Fleet Planning, hopes to shave three hours off the current record of over 55 hours by completing the journey in only four sectors.


His flight path begins in the early hours of Sunday morning in Shanghai, taking him to Auckland, Buenos Aires and Amsterdam before returning to the Chinese city in the early hours of Tuesday morning, 23 January.


A self-proclaimed ‘aviation geek’ with a love of studying airline networks and schedules, Abu Dhabi-based Andrew is well placed to chart his journey and fulfill a dream he has been keen to attempt for over 20 years.

Andrew Fisher表示:“现在该是付诸行动的时候了。规划用了很长时间,根本目的是为了确保时刻、航线和转机尽可能紧凑,把握仅有的短暂时机完成本次旅行。”

“It’s about time the job was done,” he said. “The planning has taken a long time, essentially to ensure the flight timings, routings and transits are kept as tight as possible and there is only a short window of opportunity for this to happen.”


thyssenkrupp celebrates the 125-year anniversary of the escalator


Imagine a world where dreams of being transported upwards via a moving staircase was simply that, a dream.


Over one hundred and twenty-five years ago, Jesse Reno invented the first working escalator, which was patented on March 15, 1892.


The first escalator, then known as an incline elevator, was installed at the Old Iron Pier at Coney Island in New York City on January 16, 1893.


The moving stairway elevated passengers on a conveyor belt at a 25-degree angle and traveled only seven feet.


The escalator ran for two weeks at Old Iron Pier before moving to the Brooklyn Bridge.


It is estimated that it carried 75,000 passengers during its two weeks at the Old Iron Pier. Today, more than 100 billion people in the United States alone use escalators every year.


The technology that first developed 125 years ago has been perfected over the years and decades by thyssenkrupp.


Today, the company’s solutions are installed all around the globe in huge numbers. If all escalators installed by thyssenkrupp were joined together, they would be long enough to scale a mountain with a height of 500 kilometers.


In Germany, escalators have only been manufactured in serial production since 1950. Before then they were built by hand on the construction site.


In Hamburg, thyssenkrupp runs Germany’s only factory for escalators. The company also maintains about 25,000 escalators in Europe. A mechanic cares for up to 40 escalators – per month!


thyssenkrupp Elevator solutions not only move people and goods, but also secure jobs: Today, around 155,000 people are in the elevator and escalator industry worldwide. In Germany alone there are around 18,000.


Today, in Europe there are more than 136,000 escalators installed, 35,600 of them in Germany.


An average escalator’s lifespan is up to 30 years before it has to be modernized, but there’s still growth ahead - with some additional 5,500 new escalators every year.


The escalator’s 125th birthday is a great occasion for thyssenkrupp to celebrate: to look back at history and into the future with its potential technical developments that continue to make urban mobility smarter.


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编辑 / 武亚东

来源 / 经济日报(记者陈颐、朱琳)

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