2017-12-29 01:14:00 来源:搜狐财经




  The driving force of the Biogas development in China


  Relative policies about biomass gas


  Bio-gas developmentstatus and the problems

  1.发展现状 Development status

  2.存在的问题 Problems


  Biogas development future

  1.发展潜力 Potential

  2.重点任务 Key tasks


  Risk analysis




  Attachment:Major policies for biomass and biogas(methane)



  Bio-mass is the fourth energy in the world followed by the fossil oil, coal, natural gas. Biomass resources such as crop straw and agricultural residues of agricultural products and waste from energy crops and organic wastes, can be used as energy resource, only be used less than 10% from total 460 million tons equivalence coal, and about 5% of it been commercialized. To scale up the methane project especially from the bio-mas, it can be used to generate the electricity or integrate into natural gas pipeline network, auto gas, industrial gas after purification to realize high efficient utilization. Bio-gas already started in china with a good trend.


  1.The driving force of the bio-gas development in China


  First, the construction of ecological civilization requires speeding up the development of rural biogas. It produces 1.04 billion tons of crop straw per year in China, which can collect 900 million tons of resources. Large-scale livestock and poultry farms produce 2.05 billion tons of dung per year, and 56% of them are not effectively utilized.


  Second, speeding up the rural biogas development required by the risen of the people living standard. As income and living standards improved, the consumption of meat egg and milk will be rapidly increased. This will drive the development of livestock and poultry breeding industry in China, which reversed transmission of discharge of the waste energy. So the development of methane and biogas will be an important and efficient option.


  Third, the agricultural supply side reform requires to speed up the rural methane development. Now China field crop planting area of 1.67 billion hec., fertilizer rates is 326.87 kg per hec., which is three times of the world's average level as well as European and American countries, the fruit and vegetables with the similar problems. Biomass fertilizer can be used for crops and the fruit and vegetable planting, it can improve soil quality and the product quality. Facilities daily produces 500 cubic meters of biogas can produce 1000 tons of biogas manure per year, equal to 43 tons of nitrogen fertilizer.


  Fourth, China's energy revolution has called for accelerating the development of rural biogas in China. Energy consumption in China is total 4.3 billion tons of standard coal, and coal accounts for 64% with much too high proportion. Net imports of 62.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas, external dependency rate reaches to 32.1%. The future energy production and consumption in China should be based on the domestic multivariate and safe supply, renewable energy will play a more important role in it. China has formally made commitment to the international society, by 2030, non-fossil energy accounted for about 20% of the total energy consumption. Every year, agricultural waste resources in China can be used for biogas production reached to 1.404 billion tons, which can produce 73.6 billion cubic meters of natural gas, equivalents to about 87.6 million tons of standard coal. All of great meaning for to reduce the coal consumption and supplement natural gas.


  Fifth, urbanization construction requires to speed up the rural methane development. In 2020, China is to transfer 100 million agricultural population and the others to the population of permanent residents in cities and towns, it needs new11.8 billion cubic meters biogas supply used for central heating and to satisfy the cooking heating demand.


  So we can say that the development of the biogas is to fulfill our internal continuous development demands, covers ecology, livelihood, energy, economy and other aspects with huge comprehensive drive effect. This is the internal logical of the biogas development in China.


  2.The relative policies of the biomass gas


  In recent years, Chinese government clears issued out to develop biomass energy and biogas(includes methane).


  On December 21, 2016, the central finance leadership of the group of the14th conference pointed out that: to adhere to the policy of government sponsors enterprises-oriented and the market operation, to take methane and biogas as the main processing direction, and strive basically to solve large-scale livestock and poultry farm waste treatment and resource recovery problems during the 13th five year plan.


  In 2017 the central government issued the number one article “Opinions about deepening agricultural structural reform to speed up the breeding agricultural and rural development driven forces” mentioned that, to push forward the efficient ecological raising and to speed up the centralized processing of animal manure, to promote healthy development of large scale biogas”.


  In addition, Chinese government continuous issued a number of specific policies in the field of industrial, land and taxation policies to support the development of biomass energy and biogas. In industrial aspect, the Chinese government subsidies 2500 yuan for each cubic meter of natural gas production, biogas power generation to enjoy discrimination-free power grid access and enjoy preferential policies feed-in tariff, etc.; In terms of fiscal and taxation, the Chinese government returns the payment of VAT for the electricity, heating, fuel generated by livestock and poultry manure and the kitchen waste. In 2013, Chinese state council carried out the policy” Pollution Prevention regulations on scale breeding of livestock and poultry” for strictly regulate the biomass processing method.


  Several provinces have issued related biogas policies. In 2016, Jiangsu province issued “Special action plans for environmental protection”, Inner Mongolia set policy on further implementation of livestock and poultry pollution control regulations; In 2015, Henan province issued a plan to recover the clean water, and Zhejiang province issued the prevention regulations on the livestock breeding pollution, Guangxi province also set the policy to control the pollution of livestock and poultry.


  3.The current status and problems of biogas development


  Development status

  根据《生物质能发展“十三五”规划》,截至2015年底,中国沼气理论年产量约190亿立方米,其中户用沼气理论年产量约140亿立方米,规模化沼气工程约10万出,年产气量约50亿立方米。截至2015 年底,全国户用沼气达到4193.3万户,受益人口达2亿人。户用沼气规模较大的地区包括四川、广西、河南、云南、湖北、河北、山东、湖南。中国生物天然气发展情况总结如下:

  According to the 13th five-year plan of the development of biomass energy, by the end of 2015, annual output of biogas is about 19 billion cubic meters of in theory, the household biogas output is about 14 billion cubic meters in theory, about 100000 units of scale biogas projects, with an annual output of 5 billion cubic meters. By the end of 2015, the amount of national household biogas reached to 41.933 million units, benefits to 200 million people. The bigger amount of the biogas users located in Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hebei, Shandong, Hunan province, the development status of biogas in China as follows:


  In terms of resource, according to the 13th five-year plan of national rural biogas development, 10.4 billion tons of crop straw in China can be produced per year, which can collect 900 million tons of resources. 2.05 billion tons of manure can be produced from large-scale livestock and poultry farms every year, and 56% of them are not effectively utilized. The biomass resources in China are abundant, but the development condition is still very poor.


  In terms of technology and equipment. After years of development, related equipment of biogas engineering has made some breakthrough, most of the equipment can be produced locally, but there is still gap with international advanced technology such as power generation and purification.


  In terms of development mode. Biogas projects in China are generally government leading, government attaches great attention to the policy setting, attaches great importance to the projects construction , but lacks of effective incentive and supervision on project operation management, cash flow generated by project operating is not ideal, the enterprise make profit through subsidies from the government by the construction of biogas project. In general, biogas industry China lacks of sustainable business model.


  In terms of operation.The utilization of biogas is generally decreasing in rural households, and the demand of farmers is getting smaller and smaller, and much more abandonment. And small and medium sized biogas projects are under-performing as a whole, most of them losses, very low possibilities to have long-term sustainable operation with lots of idle ones. At the same time, related professional management team in China are not sufficient.




  Compared with other countries such as Germany, China has the following problems in the development of biogas:


  First, lack of top-level design, especially lacks of the supporting policy for feces treatment from livestock and poultry farms, the concession contract methods not been adopted, and the feasible industry development plans in local areas is not available.


  Second, it is not to pay to farming enterprise for agricultural waste treatment, but also to pay the fee to the breeding enterprise without government subsidies.


  Third, biogas is not a agricultural project. It can only be designed and inspected in accordance with the production standard of dangerous chemicals, and the project investment increased.


  Fourth, corresponding support policies for land tax are not available, lots of projects cannot be initiated or put into operation, which directly affects the project revenue.


  Fifth, it is very common in the biogas industry that is to focus on construction and ignore the management, and the price subsidy of terminal products (power, gas and marsh fertilizer) is not enough or unsubsidized.


  The above stated problems have been seriously affected the sustainable development of bio-gas industry in China.


  4.The prospect of biogas development


  The potential


  According to the national rural biogas 13th five-year plan, China potentially has reached 122.7 billion cubic meters of methane production, in 2015, the capacity of national biogas production was 15.8 billion cubic meters, utilization rate is only 12.9%, great space for development. The table as below.




  table1:The raw material source and productive potential of biogas in rural China


  The national development goals of the 13th five-year plan for rural biogas are as follows:


  表2:中国农村沼气相关发展目标China&apos;s rural biogas development target


  table2:China&apos;s rural biogas development target


  Among them:the large-scale biogas project refers to the daily production of more than 10,000 cubic meters; Large-scale methane project refers to the daily production of 500 cubic meters.


  Key tasks


  National energy bureau released the 13th five-year plan of biomass energy development puts forward the key task to promote the development of biogas. In 2020, a certain scale of green low carbon biogas industry been primarily formed, the annual output reached to 8 billion cubic meters (60% more than in 2015) , to construct 160 of biogas demonstration counties and circular agriculture demonstration counties. The development layout in the following table.



  table3:Biogas construction layout


  Key construction projects include


  First, to promote the construction of the national biogas demonstration county. To establish an county-level biogas development plan and construct a distributed production and consumption mode in the county area based on the county system.


  Second, we will accelerate the progress and commercialization of biogas technologies. To establish a specialized mechanism for the development and construction of county biogas, to accelerate key technological progress and project modernization, to train and innovate business models.


  Third, we will promote the professionalization of biogas organic fertilizers.


  Fourth, we will establish a sound comprehensive industrial system. To collect innovative raw material in a guarantee mode, build a diversified consumption system for biogas, strengthen the connection with conventional natural gas, and promote the marketization of biogas as soon as possible.


  In terms of investment, by 2020, the biomass energy industry will be invest about 196 billion yuan more, and the new investment in biogas will be 120 billion yuan, accounting for more than 61%.


  5.Risk analysis


  It is specially reminded to pay great attention to investment policy risk in China when invest the biogas projects, including the exit or lessen of fiscal and taxation support policy, excessive protection of domestic technology and equipment, land policy not been improved, not fair to connect the county distribution network, failure of preferential price policy implementation, etc




  Large population in China, with the rapid economic and social development, the demand for meat and egg and milk and for the ecological improvement and the biomass keep increasing. With this background, the development of biogas is mainly for their own inner demand. Therefore, the development of biogas has surpassed the purpose of energy replacement, the important strategic significance been attached to China


  Despite the current problems such as technical, management, personnel, policy and so on when develop the biogas in China , but with the support from the central and local governments, driven by social capital, biogas industry development during 13th five-year plan will be speed up. Predictably, the competition focus in the future will lays on increasingly fierce competition of the best quality resource, government support, ideal partners, innovated business model, and improved technical equipment and project management level.


  Attachment: Major policies for biomass and biogas(methane)


  作者简介:海日,昊海国际投资公司董事长、世界青商经济文化交流中心理事。曾先后就读于中国政法大学经济法学院民商经济法专业,南京大学软件学院软件工程财务与金融工程方向(MSE)专业,沃顿商学院MBA2018-2019( 美国石油公司总经理推荐生)。

  (版权声明:本文为作者独家原创投稿,微信公众号布娜新(id: bunaxin117)独家首发,本号获授权原创转载,非商业用途转载请注明作者并保留公众号信息,否则对侵权行为将追究法律责任。)

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